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Note : There were No Editorials in The Hindu on 8th February 2016.
Topic 1 : "Why Siachen must be demilitarised"
Topic 2 : "The curious case of Julian Assange"
- Demilitarised - to reduce a nation's army, weapons, or military vehicles
- Avalanche - a large amount of snow falling quickly down from the side of a mountain
- Glacier - a large amount of ice that moves slowly
- Stark - complete / extreme
- Inhospitable - an environment which is harsh and difficult to live in
- Isolated - far away from other places
- Troops - soldiers
- Infantry - soldiers marching on foot
- Massive - large and heavy
- Terrain - an area of land
- Strategic - used to provide military forces with an advantage
- Clinch - confirm
- Comprehensive - complete and including everything that is necessary
- Redeployment - the process of sending soldiers to work in a different place
- Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument
- Conform - to behave according to the socially acceptable standards
- Durable - able to last a long time without becoming damaged
- The status quo - the present situation
- To pay a very high price - to experience very bad result of something you have done
- Remote - far away from any towns or cities
- Outpost - a small military camp or position at some distance from the main army
- Delineation - the action of indicating the exact position of a border or boundary
- Demarcating - making a dividing line
- Low-hanging fruits - Targets or goals which are easily achievable and which do not require a lot of effort
- Doable - it can be achieved / performed
- Sacrifice - to give up something valuable
- Put in harm’s way - in a dangerous situation
- Seized - to take something quickly and keep or hold it
- Vagaries - unexpected changes that cannot be controlled
Topic 2 : "The curious case of Julian Assange"
- Curious - strange and unusual
- Eludes - escapes / avoids
- Confinement - the situation in which a person forcefully kept somewhere
- Arbitrary - using unlimited personal power without considering other people's wishes
- Detention - the act of forcing someone officially to stay in a place
- Backlash - a strong negative reaction by a large number of people
- Incalculable - not able to be calculated or estimated
- Relentless - harsh
- Outright - completely
- Convention - an agreement between states covering particular matters
- Ridiculous - stupid or unreasonable
- Distinguished - authoritative
- Lay people - people who don't have specialized or professional knowledge of a subject
- Impact - effect / influence
- Allegation - a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal
- Context - situation
- Fleeing - running away from a place or situation of danger
- Caveat - a warning to consider something before taking any more action
- Refuge - a place that gives protection or shelter from danger
- Paranoid - suffering from a mental illness in which you believe that other people are trying to harm you
- Extradition - sending someone back to the country or state where they will be punished of a crime
- Damning - an evidence saying very strongly that someone has made a serious mistake
- Revelations - a surprising and previously unknown fact that has been disclosed to others
- Smokescreen - something that hides the truth
- Determined - wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you
- Root out - to find and remove (something or someone)
- Whistle-blower - a person who tells about something illegal that is happening, especially in a government department or a company
- Sovereignty - supreme power or authority
- Defy - to refuse to obey
- Untenable - not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection
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