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Topic 1 : "TERI’s disgraceful appointment"
Topic 2 : "After New Hampshire, Sanders in focus"
- Disgraceful - shockingly unacceptable
- Eminent - famous, respected, or important
- Under a cloud of something - to not be trusted because people think you have done something bad
- Charge - to publicly say that someone is doing something bad
- Compunction - a feeling of guilt / deep regret (for doing something wrong)
- Apparently - as far as one knows
- Contrary - opposite in nature
- Accords - give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition)
- Enactment - the process of making something law
- Misconduct - unacceptable or improper behavior
- Interim - temporary
- Tribunal - a special court which is officially chosen by the government, to examine (legal) problems of a particular type
- Wield - to have a lot of influence or power over other people
- Untenable - cannot be supported
- Dismay - a feeling of unhappiness and disappointment
- Lapse - a temporary failure
- Propensity - the natural tendency to behave in a particular way (especially bad way)
- Obligations - something that you must do
- Complainant - a person who makes a formal complaint in a law court
- Facilitated - make (an action or process) easy or easier
- Discern - recognize or find out
- Jurisdiction - the authority of a court or official organization to make decisions and judgments
- Impeccable - perfect (with no problems or bad parts)
- Credentials - qualifications / background
- Doggedly - with strong determination to do something (even if it is very difficult)
- Incomprehensible - not able to be understood
- Remedies - successful ways for dealing with a problem or difficulty
- Tainted - affected with a bad or undesirable quality (polluted)
- Laurels - praise for a person because of something they have done
Topic 2 : "After New Hampshire, Sanders in focus"
- Stole a march on somebody - to get an advantage over somebody
- Senator - a member o US Senate (assembly)
- Scooped up something - to lift something with your hands or arms in a quick movement
- Campaign - work in an organized and active way towards a goal
- To the tune of - in the approximate amount mentioned
- Preponderantly - mostly or mainly
- Proclaimed - announce officially or publicly
- Thumping - of an impressive size / amount
- Cohorts - a group of people with a shared characteristic
- Presumed - to believe something to be true because it is very likely (even-though you are not sure)
- Unassailable - in such a strong position that you cannot be defeated
- Snatch - to take hold of something suddenly and roughly
- Sway - to move slowly from side to side
- Outperforms - perform better than
- Vigorously - forcefully / strongly
- Courted - pay special attention to
- Demographic - a particular sector of a population
- Enforcement - to make people obey a law
- Racism - The belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and the people of other races are not as good as the people of your own
- Possibly - used when something is not sure (to indicate doubt)
- Reverend - a title for a priest of the Christian Church
- Amplify - to make something louder
- Dividends - (a part of) the profit of an organization that is paid to the people who own shares in it
- Manoeuvre - a cleverly planned action that is intended to get an advantage
- Yield - provide
- Antithesis - a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else
- Albeit - although
- Distrust - the feeling of not trusting someone or something
- Jaded - losing interest because you have experienced something too many times
- Firm - in a way that will not become loose
- Radically - completely
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