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Topic 1 : "Growth data send conflicting signals"
Topic 2 : "Questions after the deposition"
- Conflicting - different and opposing
- On the face of it - from the way it looks
- Projection - a calculation or guess about the future based on information that you have
- Attainable - Achievable
- Raise a flag - bring something to notice
- Pace - speed
- Slowdown - a decline in economic activity
- Outpace - to improve faster than someone
- Contraction - the process of becoming smaller
- Cited - stated (to mention something)
- Slackening - to become slower or less active
- Momentum - the force that keep something developing
- Impetus - something that encourages a particular activity
- Undergird - provide support for something
- Partly - not completely
- Sustainability - ability or capacity of something to be able to continue over a period of time
- Undermined - to make someone less powerful
- Protracted - lasting for a long time or longer than expected
- Slump - to fall suddenly
- Dampener - a thing that prevent (someone or something) from doing something
- Robust - strong
- Concern - to cause worry to someone
- Cautioned - say something as a warning
- Adequately - exactly (acceptable in quality or quantity)
- Methodology - a system of methods used in a particular area of activity
- Inflating - increase (something) by a large or excessive amount
- Rationale - a set of reasons that cause a particular set of actions
- Dispel - to remove fears, doubts, and false ideas, by proving them wrong or unnecessary
- Enhance - increase
- Credibility - the quality of being trusted and believed in
- High table - most important place at something
Topic 2 : "Questions after the deposition"
- Deposition - a formal written statement made or used in a law court
- Horror - an extremely strong feeling of fear and shock
- Massacre - an act of killing a lot of people
- Testimony - a formal written or spoken statement
- Significant - important or noticeable
- Trial - a formal examination of evidence by a judge
- Masterminds - people who plan a difficult activity (crime)
- Unlikely - not promising (likely to fail)
- Deposition - a formal written statement made or used in a law court
- Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group to do something harmful
- Espionage - the discovering of secrets (especially political or military information of another country)
- Colluded - to act together secretly or illegally in order to cheat someone
- Vital - absolutely necessary / essential
- Extract - to remove or take out something
- Pardon - the action of forgiving
- Comes at a cost of something - to include disadvantages in order to get what you want
- Confess - to admit that you have done something wrong
- Informant - a person who gives information to another
- Forthcoming - ready or made available when wanted or needed
- Pardon - the action of forgiving
- Magnitude - size
- Spotlight - focus
- Fast-track - to speed up something
- Eventually - in the end
- Victims - a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident
- Prompts - to make something happen
- Override - to reject or cancel (a decision, view, etc.)
- Concern - anxiety / worry
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