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Topic 1 : "Think different on infrastructure"
- Pump-prime - the activity of helping something to develop (business, economy, etc.) by giving it money
- Headwinds - a wind blowing in the opposite direction to the one you are moving in (something that stops you moving)
- Faltering - lose strength or movement
- Vowing - dedicate to someone or something
- Ramp up something - to increase something
- Scaled up - to increase the size, amount, or importance of something
- Earmarked - to keep something for a particular purpose
- Deterring - discouraging (to prevent someone from doing something)
- Unviable - not capable of working successfully
- Spur - to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster
- Anecdotally - based on someone’s personal experience or information rather than on facts that can be checked
- Bitumen - a black, sticky substance used for making roads (tar)
- Fray - competition
- Traction - the power that is used to pull something
- Reflect - to show / express something
- Partly - to some extent (not completly)
- Introspection - to look inside (ideas / thoughts / feelings etc)
- to Shed something - to get rid of something
- Legacy - an amount of money or property left to someone in a will
- Stalled - stopped
- Laudable - praiseworthy / commendable
Topic 2 : "Time for questions on Pathankot"
- Tip-off - a secret warning
- Abducted - kidnaped
- Snatched - to take something suddenly and roughly (stealing)
- Airbase - a military airport where aircraft are kept and can land and take off
- Autocratic - related to a ruler with unlimited power (but not in a nice way)
- Desperate - hopeless (a situation is so bad and is impossible to deal with)
- Informal briefings - unofficial information
- Synergy - the cooperation of two or more organizations
- Sequentially - following a particular order
- Simultaneously - at the same time
- Hostage - someone who is taken as a prisoner by an enemy in order to force the other people involved to do what the enemy wants
- Eventuality - something unpleasant or unexpected that might happen in the future
- Veteran - a person who has had long experience in a particular field
- Within shouting distance - very close (close enough to hear someone shouting)
- Installation - an occasion when someone is put in an important job or position
- Terrain - physical features of a land
- Misstep - wrong step (mistake)
- Upgrade - to improve
- Protocols - set of official rules (here Militry rules)
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