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Hi Friends, I am Kani. Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 2nd January 2016. Happy Reading :)
Topic 1 : "Revive NATGRID with safeguards"
- Revive - regain life
- Nuanced - a very slight difference in appearance
- Reform - make changes in something in order to improve it
- Slew - large number of
- Embarrassingly - shamefully
- Foolhardy - brave in a silly way (taking unnecessary risks)
- Potential - someone's or something's ability to develop
- Tip-off - a secret warning / secret information
- Chaos - confusion
- Ideologies - a system of ideas
- Propaganda - information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause
- Avert - to prevent something bad from happening
- Sovereignty - supreme power or authority
- Nurture - to take care of something
- Overdue - not happening when expected / needed
- Eminent - famous
Topic 2 : "Mr. Kejriwal’s challenge"
- Edginess - nervousness
- Subsequently - happening after something else (afterwards)
- Stint - a fixed period of time spent doing a particular job
- Thrives - make steady progress
- Persisting - to continue in some state
- Resonance - the quality of being loud and clear
- Combat - fight
- Accentuates - put stress on something
- Cede - give up (power or territory)
- Protocol - rules of government
- Substantively - importantly
- Thrust - to push suddenly and strongly
- Anecdotal - based on personal observation
- Tussle - fight
- To have a last word - to make the final decision about something (winning the argument)
- Alleged - to say something without proof
- Destabilising - to make a government lose power or control
- Grounded - to prevent
- Privileged - leally protected
- Segments - parts
- Traffic decongestion plan - a plan to reduce traffic
- Hazardous - risky / dangerous
- Periphery - boundary
- Alibi - an excuse for something bad or for a failure
- Evade - escape or avoid something
- Asymmetry - lack of equality or equivalence
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