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Topic 1 : "Freedoms only for the outraged"
Topic 2 : "Starting up to stand still?"
- Outraged - a feeling of anger and offence
- Presumably - by assuming reasonably
- Adherents - people who supports a particular party / person
- Mimicking - imitating someone in a funny way
- Meanwhile - while something is happening
- Misdeed - a type of bad behavior
- Intolerance - unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from your own
- Instances - examples
- Iterate - to repeat a process
- Distinction - difference
- Superstition - a belief, not based on reason or knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, etc
- Meandering - to move aimlessly
- Vandalisation - the act of deliberately destroying or damaging public or private property
- Intimidatory - to frighten someone to make them do something you want
- Inhibit - to prevent someone from doing something by making them feel nervous or embarrassed
- Orthodox - traditional beliefs
- Amendment - a change made to an original document or statement
- Sedition - the illegal act of making someone do or believe something
- Defiant - bold / disobedient
- Upstarts - people who have suddenly got power or an important position and takes advantage of this in an unpleasant way
- Sphere - a subject or area of knowledge (here Political Knowledge)
- Pervasive - an unwanted influence spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people
- Fragile - easily damaged
- Fringe - the outer or less important part of an area
- Affiliation - a connection with a political party or religion
- Foreground - to give the most importance to a particular topic
- Abnormal - different from what is normal / usual (bad)
- Circumstances - events that change your life, over which you have no control
- Wholesome - morally good
- Instinct - inborn behavior (something you don't need to learn)
Topic 2 : "Starting up to stand still?"
- Stand still - a condition in which all movement or activity has stopped
- Unveil - to uncover
- Talkathon - an unusually long speech or discussion
- Honcho - a leader or manager (the person in charge)
- Amidst - in the middle of (surrounded by)
- Euphoria - a feeling of great happiness / craziness
- Counterparts - people of equal job position / level
- Laudable - deserving praise
- Deter - discourage someone from doing something
- Intervene - to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it
- Headline-grabbing measure - doing something to get publicity (to be in Headlines of new papers)
- Slotting - to place something in an order
- Red tape - official rules and processes that seem unnecessary
- Unanimous - fully in agreement
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