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Topic 1 : "Spain’s vote against the status quo"
- Transition - the process of changing from one state or condition to another
- Prosperous - bringing wealth and success
- Sway - a rhythmical movement from side to side
- Crisis - a difficult or dangerous time
- Hit (something) hard - if a situation hits you hard, it makes you so upset that you have difficulty dealing with it
- Conservative - favoring traditional views and values (opposing change)
- Rupture - a break in friendly relations
- Status quo - the existing state or condition
- Erosion - the process destruction
- Emerging - newly created / recently growing
- Austerity - a difficult economic situation caused by a government reducing the amount of money it spends
- Resonate - to create resound
- Taking a toll - to have a bad effect on something
- Rival - a person competing with another for the same objective
- Discredit - to damage the reputation of (someone)
- Rhetoric - related to Goals
- Agenda - list of things to do
- Chaotic - in a state of complete confusion
- Coalition - a group of people who join together for a common cause
- Divergent - different
- Unlikely - not going to happen
- Scenario - a description of possible actions or events in the future
- Churn - shaking (in a confused state)
Topic 2 : "Ominous signals from Ayodhya"
- Evident - clearly seen or understood
- Communal - related to the members of a group or community
- Frenzy - uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour
- Bigotry - unable to accept other ideas, races, or religions
- Strident - presenting a controversial point in very forceful way
- Foregone - having gone before (previous / past)
- Offload - to unload
- Provocative - causing anger
- Divisive - intended to make people angry with each other
- Ritual - a ceremony or action performed in a religious way
- Evoked - to give rise to
- Ominous - suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future
- Pulled down - completely destroy a building (especially in order to use the land for something else)
- Dispute - disagreement / argument
- Status quo ante - the existing state or condition
- Verdict - decision made by the court
- Whip up - to prepare
- Rumour-monger - a person who spreads rumours
- Disrupt - destroy the structure of something (here Peace)
- Circumspect - unwilling to take risks
- Defy - refuse to obey
- Accrue - to increase slowly as time passes
- Borne - to suffer
- Harness - control and make use of
- Unleashes - releases
- Adjudicate - make a formal judgement on a disputed matter
- Stir - to cause trouble intentionally between other people (especially by telling false or secret information)
Note : The Vocabulary of 24th, 25th and 26th will be available soon
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