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List of Important Abbreviations
- AQI - Air Quality Index
- IPR - Intellectual Property Rights
- BIRD - Bankers Institute for Rural Development
- TSO - Time Sharing Option
- TOD - Transit Oriented Development
- FTII - Film and Television Institute of India
- GAGAN - GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation
- MFI - Micro Finance Institution
- DIPP - Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
- ULIP - Unit Linked Insurance Plan
- CRA - Credit Risk Assessment
- CRA - Contingent Reserve Arrangement
- FSSAI - Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
- NCRB - National Crime Record Bureau
- FSLRC - Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Committee
- QIP - Qualified Institutional Placement
- FATCA - Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
- EEFC - Exchange Earner's Foreign Currency
- REIT - Real Estate Investment Trust
- IFRS - Indian Financial Reporting Standards
- MTSS - Money Transfer Service Scheme
- SFMS - Structured Financial Messaging System
- ASBA - Application Supported by Blocked Amount
- LTV - Loan To Value
- ESOP - Employee Stock Option Plan
- NSSO - National Sample Survey Organisation
- AMFI - Association of Mutual Funds in India
- FI - Financial Inclusion
- APEDA - Agricultural and Processed Food Products Exports Development Authority
- NIIF - National Investment and Infrastructure Fund
- ELSS - Equity Linked Savings Scheme
- UNSC - United Nations Security Council
- ADSL - Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line
- RAPDRP- Restructured Power Development and Completion of the Reforms Program
- ITP - Institutional Trading Platform
- NOFHC - Non Operative Financial Holding Company
- ISLRTC - Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre
- PMKKKY- Pradhan Mantri Khanij Khethra Kalyan Yojana
- NCMC - National Common Mobility Card
- MLAT - Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty
- FIPB - Foreign Investment Promotion Board
- FSDC - Financial Stability and Development Council
- ePMS - Electronic Project Management System
- GIFT - Gujarat International Film Tech-city
- ASCI - Advertisement Standard Council of India
- MTSS - Money Transfer Service Scheme
- IFRS - Indian Financial Reporting Standards
- CRILC - Central Repository of Information on Large Credits
- MAST - Multi Application Solar Telescope
- CORE - Centralised Online Real time Exchange
- EFTS - Electronic Fund Transfer System
- PMVLK - Pradhan Mantri Vidhya Lakshmi Karyakram
- PMKVY - pradhan Mantri Kaushalya Vikas Yojana
- UNFCCC- United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change
- ANBC - Adjusted Net Bank Credit
- CDR - Corporate Debt Restructuring
- RMS - Revenue Market Share
- EMV - Europay, Master card and Visa
- SDR - Strategic Debt Restructuring
- SDR - Special Drawing Rights
- CSO - Central Statistical Organisation
- APE - Annual Premium Equivalent
- IPO - Initial Public Offering
- FPO - Follow on Public Offering
- RHP - Red Herring Prospectus
- PKI - Public Key Infrastructure
- NMCEX - National Multi Commodity Exchange
- FIMMDA- Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association
- DWBIS - Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence System
- EBT - Electronic Benefits Transfer
- DBT - Direct Benefits Transfer
- EDLI - Employees Deposit Linked Insurance
- BCSBI - Banking Codes and Standards Board of India
- DTAA - Double Taxation Anti Avoidance Scheme
- CDSL - Central Depository Securities Limited
- NSDL - National Security Depository Limited
- EBW - Export Bill permitted to be Written off
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