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April 06, 2015

Proper Planning & Strategy- 2 Keys to Succeed in IBPS Exams

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Dear gr8ambitionz Readers,

My name is Sarang Pethe & I have been selected as PO in Punjab National Bank & as Clerk in Bank of Baroda !!

I would like to share my story with you. Hope my experience helps you in some way or the other.

First and foremost I would like to thank my parents, my teachers, my friends who have been with me throughout, tutors at Bankerschoice online program, Gr8ambitionz & similar websites which are dedicated for Banking aspirants and almighty God. I owe my success to them.

My story is a bit long but I will try to KISS (Keep it short & simple). I am an Engineer with MBA in HR. I completed my MBA in 2010 & just when I was about to begin my career I suffered from a rare disease called GB Syndrome. It was due to my parents, friends and blessings of the almighty that i survived some how. 2010-2012 was the most difficult part of my life. It was during this period that I decided that I have to pursue a career in PSU Bank. The reasons behind this were simple, I wanted a stable & secure job. In December 2012 i got a job in MNC in HR department as a temp staff. I simultaneously appeared for Clerical exam in 2012. My hands were affected due to the disease and it affected my speed. As expected, I failed. However i gained good learning from this. In the mean while my job was going good. Work was increasing & some how with some preparation I gave IBPS 3 exam. The moment I came out of exam hall I knew I would fail. When results came I found that i had got good overall score but had missed sectional cut off by 1 mark. This failure by 1 marked pinched me. I decided at that time that next chance should be my last attempt. I have to clear it & get a job at any cost.

Planning & Strategy:
I was working & giving 2 hours a day for preparation. Till September 2014 I was studying on my own through various websites, youtube videos, practice papers,etc. However there was no structure in my preparation. At same time I wasnt able to maintain balance between work & study. Hence, I took most important decision & resigned in mid september 2014. Now, I was at home and had lots of time to prepare. I did following things.
  1. To get proper guidance I subscribed to Bankerschoice Online course. 
  2. I did an analysis of my strengths & weakness on overall level and on sectional level. 
  3. I examined cut offs of past 3 IBPS PO exam and got an understanding of overall range. 
  4. I got my Physically handicap certificated done so that I could apply under Gen OC category and get benefit of extra time. 
  5. I had just 2 months for exam now. I started studying 8-10 hours a day. 
  6. I decided a date upto which I have to finish my preparation. 
  7. I gave maximum time to Quants & Reasoning as these are the sections which consume time & are deciders of whether you will clear the exam or not. 
  8. For General Awareness I solely depended on Current Affairs Capsules. Computers and English was easy for me and took no time to prepare. 
  9. Once I finished the preparation part I devoted time to Solving questions & mock tests. 
  10. Now came the strategy part. Since IBPS exam has two cut offs i.e sectional and overall, I understood that I have to score on my strengths & clear on my weakness. 
  11. I decided order in which I have to solve sections, time for each section & number of questions to be attempted. 
  12. One of the tutor instilled in our mind that IBPS exam is like a game of cricket. It is about leaving good balls (difficult questions) & scoring on bad balls (easy questions) 
  13. My hand was still affected which still affected my speed but it was much better. 
  14. I was eligible to take a scribe but I didnt take it purposefully since this was a part of my strategy.
I gave almost all exams which took place from Sep 2014 onwards. Except for SIDBI & RBI Assistant I cleared all the exams. When the written marks of IBPS PO & Clerk were released I was 90% sure that i will be through. Finally my dream came true. I was selected as PO in PNB (my first preference) and as Clerk in BOB (my second preference). I am waiting for SBI Asso. PO results which I am confident I will clear. Currently I am satisfied with what I have got.

My Final Result:
  • IBPS RRB OS-1: 109/200 (Roll no. 2241150007)
  • IBPS PO 4- 97/200 in online exam 48.60/100 overall score (Roll no. 2351522826)
  • IBPS Clerk 4- 122/200 in online exam, 58.80/100 overall score (Roll no. 2350800061)
My advice to all Bank aspirant is as follows,
  1. Make a proper plan of your studies. It is very important how effectively you utilize your time. 
  2. Online exam carries maximum weightage i.e 80% so put all your effort and score maximum here. If you have max score in written & just pass in interview you will still get good bank. I am telling this from my own experience. 
  3. IBPS PO is not very difficult exam. It takes average intelligence to clear this exam. 
  4. Never get disappointed by failures. Try to learn from it. Each time you fail you learn something new thereby putting a step ahead on your way to success.
Thats it.... Hope you find my experience helpful. Thank you gr8ambitionz once again. Keep up the good work. My best wishes to all Banking Aspirants. I wish that you all succeed in achieving your goal. All the Best.

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