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Name - Prithish Roy Mukherjee
Qualification - BCA, MBA(marketing)
Exam - SBI Clerk
Exam Centre - SBI RO, Kolkata,WB
Exams Passed-
- IBPS SO III (FINAL Cut off 49.8, I got 48.8)
- SBI PO (Final Cut off 55.6, I got 47.2)
- IBPS RRB PO (134)
- IBPS RRB Clerk (167)
- IBPS PO (105)
- IBPS Clerk (interview given but don’t know the number)
- Syndicate Bank PGDBF (rejected in combined final cut off)
- NICL AO (selected for interview)
- SBI Associate (only exam in this year that i could not able to clear the written)
Final Selection is in SBI Clerk but still waiting for the final result of IBPS PO because it is my dream to be a PO
Friends I have started my career in a logistics company after my MBA but after working for 4 months I realized that after 5 years when i ask myself what i have achieved, the ans would be a big uncertainty.
So i decided to make my career as a banker, in end of 2013 started taking preparation and most important is that i loved to know about the banking facts and i grew interest in that.
Last year after rejected in IBPS SO iii by 1% i made a resolution to clear all the written and will definitely clear at least one interview, so i did not waste a single day, and took my preparation at 

Level 3. I did not made any study routine because i believe the whole day is in my schedule and i should make full use of it. This 18 months were too tough to digest but i had to and gave all my effort, my parents supported and encouraged me a lot mentally and financially (to pay the registration fees :P) and never said a single word that why i am not selected in final or join in a private company. I am really blessed.
You all might have seen a commercial advertisement, “Have I Made It large?” Ask your conscience and you will get the answer And most important part, never think that you have less attempt because in SBI clerk my total attempts were 149 and i don’t know about the %accuracy part (general category btw :p) and IBPS PO attempted 120 got 105. So, it’s better to give your everything and after that shut your brain off :p
Yaise vi there are no shortcut for success and if you try hard you will definitely shine once (Karma never disappoint you) (i have given total 7 bank interviews, so its better be late than never)
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