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Friends, here are the solutions to our fourth set of Sentence correction exercise. If you are new to this post, just read our correction of sentences exercise number 4 here before reading the solutions below. All the Best.
- Either the chief minister or his cabinet colleagues have submitted his resignation.
- Either the chief minister or his cabinet colleagues have submitted their resignation.
- He will not help you unless you do not give him money.
- He will not help you unless you
do notgive him money.
so , no need to use another not in this sentence.
Example : You will not pass the exam if you will not prepare well.
In the above case, we just use unless in the place of if you will not to make the sentence more readable.
You will not pass the exam unless you prepare well.
So its meaningless to use unless and do not in the same sentence.
- A good teacher always advices his students to work hard.
- A good teacher always advises his students to work hard.
Advise is verb.
We say
- He gave me advice
- He advised me.
- The father and the son love one another.
- The father and the son love Each other.
If there are only two persons, then you should use Each other.
If there are more than two, then you should use one another.
How to remember this rule ?
Just remember, we say Made for each other to represent Husband and Wife (they are only two).
- Those three sisters love each other.
- Those three sisters love one other.
- Neither of the three boys came.
- Either of the three boys came.
You should say either, neither in the case of two.
Any, None in the case of more than two.
- None of the two boys came.
- Neither of the two boys came.
- He is more wiser than his brother.
- He is more wise than his brother.
or he is more wise than his brother.
but you shouldn't say more wiser
- It is the best of the two books.
- It is the better of the two books.
- When there are two, you use better.
- When there are more than two then you use best.
- He is the better of the three boys.
- He is the best of the three boys
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