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August 24, 2013

HWB Interview Experience - Ajeet Kumar

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Friends, here is the Interview Experience of Technical Officers post in Heavy Water Board , Department of Atomic Energy shared by our friend Ajeet Kumar. We thank him for his support , we wish him great success in his interview and we hope this experience will help the fellow aspirants who are attending for this interview. Read his interview experience in his own words.

Name : Ajeet Kumar

Qualification : (Computer Science & Engineering)

Date of Interview : 16-08-2013

Venue of interview : Virkram Sarabhai Bhavan, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai

Name of the Organization : Heavy Water Board, Department of Atomic Energy, GoI

Name of the Post : Technical Officer C

Friends, My panel was very cooperating, when I entered in the interview hall, there are five panel members: 3 males and 2 females, they started to ask 1st question do know about Heavy Water and what is their uses…if know den explain….!!

After that, They asked me to write of five subject according to your area of interest….
  • DBMS
  • Software engg.
  • Network
  • Data structure
After that they further told me to write more subjects…
  • Principal of programming lang.
  • Autometa
  • Data Compression
Now the real interview begins-----------
1.    They provide a string   1* 01+0*  , draw NFA and DFA. ?
2.    What is Topology, which type of network and protocol is used..?
3.    Type of Data Structure, Differencaite b/w Lossless & Lossy in the context of Text/Image ?
4.    Explain the concept about Call by value, Call by Referenced via program..?
5.    Assume there is a Sorted Doubly Linked List, if a node is inserted in this list….writed an pseudo code/Algo..?
6.    Functions of OS, explain  difference b/w Realtime & Artificial Operating System..
Windows have which type of OS Quality ?
7.    “  (())(()(  “ check this string is balance or not ? for checking which type of data structure is best ?
ANS:   STACK,  operation for checking using concept like puch down autometa
        (-Push,  (-push,  )-pop,  )-pop ,  now stack empty
        (-Push,  (-push,  )-pop, (-push,  now stack have two opening “(“ hence provided string is Unbalanced.
8.    Which type of cable fastest data transfer using Internet…?
9.    I want to seach a particular book in library…which type of  DS is needed and explain via methodology ?
10.    Normalization, Schema diagram, concept about foreign key…!!
11.    They also check my GATE Score card, and impressed becoz my Score or percentile is well, scored 41.27 marks in GATE.

There are only 14 candidates appear in 16th August 2013 at the venue out of 50 nearly, my interview was happened in 50 mins approx,

So frnds my personal suggestion is prepare yourself  strong in area of interest…. Be confidant . All the Best.
If you have any queries, you can mail me at

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