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International Court of Justice (ICJ) :
Headquarters : The Hague (Netherlands)
Membership : Consists of 15 Judges and one Chief Justice who are elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council for a term of nine years. The chief justice term is 3 years.
Functions :
- It gives advisory opinion on legal matters to the bodies and special agencies of the UNO and considers the legal disputes brought before them.
- Justice R.S. Pathak, former Chief Justice of India, was elected judge of the ICJ on April 18, 1989.
Official Languages : French and English
Secretary - Generals of the UNO :
Trygve Lie
1946 – 52
Dag Hammarkjold
1953 – 61
U. Thant
1962 – 71
Dr. Kurt Waldheim
1972 – 81
Javier Perez De Cuellar
Peru (2 Times)
1982 – 91
Dr. Boutros – Ghali
1992 – 97
Kofi Annan
Ghana (2 Times)
1997 – 06
Ban – Ki – Moon
S. Korea (2 Times)
01 – 01 – 2007 to PRESENT
Trusteeship Council :
Headquarters : NewYork
Membership : There are five permanent members of the Security Council plus those nations who administer Trust Territories.
Functions : To Safeguard the interest of inhabitants of territories which are not yet fully self-governing and are governed by an administering country.
The Secretariat :
Headed by : A Secretary - General who is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council.
Tenure : Five Years, and eligible for re - election after the term expires.
Functions : It is the chief Administrative Office of the UNO which coordinates and supervises the activities of the UNO.
Official Languages of the UNO :
There are now SIX official working languages recognised by the UNO.
- Chinese
- English
- French
- Russian
- Spanish
- Arabic
UNO International Decades :
1983 – 1992
United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons
1984 – 1993
Second Decade to combat Racism and Racial Discrimination
1985 – 1994
Treansport and Communication Decade for Asia and the Pacific
1988 – 1997
World Decade for Cultural Development
1997 – 2006
United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty
1990 – 1999
United Nations Decade for International Law
1990 – 2000
International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism
1991 – 2000
Fourth United Nations Development Decade
1991 – 2000
Second Transport and communications Decade in Africa
1991 – 2000
United Nations Decade against Drug Abuse
1991 – 2000
Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination
1994 – 2004
Internaitonal Decade of the World’s Indigenous People
1995 – 2004
United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education
1997 – 2006
United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty
2001 – 2010
Decade of Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countires (Espicially
Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism,
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of
the world
2003 – 2012
United Nations Literacy Decade : Education for All
2005 – 2015
Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People, United
Nations Decade of
Education for Sustainable Development, International Decade for 7
“ Water for Life”
2008 – 2017
Second UN Decade for the Eradication of Poverty
2010 – 2012
UN Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification
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