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Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper
Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 15th November 2018 from HERE
- Turn the page - if someone or something turns the page, they make a fresh start after a period of difficulties and troubles
- Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
- Turmoil - a state of excitement or uncontrolled activity
- Controversially - used for saying that people disagree about the thing you are talking about or do not approve of it
- Upper hand - control or an advantage over a person or situation
- Majority - most of the people or things in a group
- No-confidence motion - a voting process in which people show that they do not support a person or group in power
- Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc in the past, but not now
- Sworn in - when someone is sworn in, they make a formal promise to be honest or loyal, either in a law court or when starting a new official job
- Loyalist - someone who supports their government, especially during a revolution
- Chamber - a large room in a public building, especially one used for meetings
- Contention - an opinion or statement that something is true, especially one made during a discussion or argument
- Memorandum - a short written statement containing information about a particular subject, passed between officials in a government or organization
- Disrupt - to interrupt something and prevent it from continuing by creating a problem
- Reform - a change that is intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively
- Enact - to make a proposal into a law
- Curb - to control or limit something that is harmful
- Vast - extremely large
- Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
- Prorogue - to discontinue a session of something, for example parliament
- Confront - to deal with a difficult situation
- Stacked against - if something is stacked against you, it is unfair and will probably cause you to fail
- Dissolve - if a group or organization dissolves, or if someone dissolves it, it stops existing
- Revive - to make someone become conscious or alive again
- Interim - intended to last or perform an activity only until someone or something permanent or final is available
- Needless - used about something that could or should have been avoided
- Plunge - to make someone or something fall quickly from a high position
- Ascertain - to find out something
- Instinct - a natural ability to know what to do in a particular situation
- Ought to - used for saying what is the right or sensible thing to do, or the right way to behave
- Solely - involving nothing except the person or thing mentioned
- Premise - a principle or statement that you consider to be true, that you base other ideas and actions on
- Induce - to cause something, especially a mental or physical change
- Crossover - a change from one situation or style to another
- Smart - to become very upset by something that has happened or that someone has said or done
- Setback - a problem that delays or that stops progress or makes a situation worse
- Uncertainty - a nervous feeling that you have because you think bad things might happen
- Be averse to something - to dislike or not enjoy something
- Turn down - to not accept an offer or request
- Untenable - impossible to continue because of serious problems, opposition, or criticism
- Lame duck - someone who is not successful and needs a lot of help and support
- Invoke - to use a law or rule in order to achieve something
- Statesman - an experienced political leader that many people respect
- Unwise - stupid and likely to cause problems
- Exacerbate - to make a problem become worse
- Bleak - if a situation is bleak, there is little or no hope for the future
- Unresolved - not dealt with or agreed on in a satisfactory way
- Minority - a small number of people or things that are part of a larger group but different in some way from most of the group
- Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Full disclosure: on the credit rating industry"
- Disclosure - the process of giving information to people, especially information that was secret
- Reform - a change that is intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively
- Accountability - a situation in which people know who is responsible for something and can ask them to explain its state or quality
- Scrutiny - careful examination of someone or something
- Investor - a person who puts money into something in order to make a profit or get an advantage
- Liquidity - a situation in which a business has money or property that it can sell in order to pay money that it owes
- Credit line - an amount of money that a person or company can borrow from a bank or other financial institution
- Liability - legal responsibility for causing damage or injury, or for paying something
- Mismatch - a difference or disagreement between two facts or aspects of a situation
- Transparency - the quality of being done in an open way without secrets
- Credibility - qualities that someone has that make people believe or trust them
- Circular - a letter or notice sent to a large number of people
- Enhanced - better than before
- Ensuing - an ensuing event or activity happens after something else, often as a result of it
- Formal - following the correct or suitable official methods
- Primary - most important
- Flawed - spoiled by something such as a fault or mark, or lacking something
- Tremendous - used for emphasizing that something such as an amount, achievement, or feeling is extremely great, important, or strong
- Potential - someone's or something's ability to develop, achieve, or succeed
- Bias - to influence someone’s opinions, decisions etc so that they behave or think in an unfair way
- Barrier - something that separates one thing from another
- Vital - very important, necessary, or essential
- Oligopoly - the control of a product or service by only a few companies, influencing the price of that product or service
- Sufficient - as much as is needed
- Thus - as a result of the fact that you have just mentioned
- Flourish - to be very successful
- Plaguing - to cause a lot of problems for someone or something for a long period of time
- Loyalty - support that you always give to someone or something because of your feelings of duty and love towards them
- Lucrative - bringing a lot of money
- Framework - a set of principles, ideas etc that you use when you are forming your decisions and judgments
- Innovation - the use of new ideas, methods, equipment etc
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