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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Rescuing IL&FS"
- Rescuing - to prevent a business, project etc from failing
- Bailing out - to help a person or organization that is having problems, especially financial problems
- Pile-up - if something piles up, or if someone piles it up, the amount of it increases a lot
- Unnoticed - not seen or noticed by anyone
- Supersede - if one thing supersedes another, it replaces the other thing, especially because it is more modern or more useful
- Explicitly - in an extremely clear and direct way, so that there is no doubt what is meant
- Intent - the intention to do something
- Ensure - to make certain that something happens or is done
- Liquidity - a situation in which a business has money or property that it can sell in order to pay money that it owes
- Unambiguous - clear and with only one possible meaning
- Turbulence - a confusing or uncontrolled situation
- Beleaguered - having a lot of problems or criticism to deal with
- Obviously - in a way that is clear for almost anyone to see or understand
- Mismanaging - to manage something badly
- Annual - happening once a year
- Shareholder - someone who owns shares in a company
- Debenture - an official arrangement with a company in which the company promises to pay a fixed rate of interest on money you have invested in it
- Default - to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do
- Bureaucrat - someone who is employed to help run an office or government department
- Non-executive - a member of a company's board of directors who is not one of the company's managers
- Investor - a person who puts money into something in order to make a profit or get an advantage
- Solvency - a situation in which you have enough money to pay your bills and other debts
- Leverage - to borrow money to buy a business, hoping that the business will make enough profit to pay the interest on the money that is borrowed
- Asset - something such as money or property that a person or company owns
- Liability - legal responsibility for causing damage or injury, or for paying something
- Mismatch - a difference or disagreement between two facts or aspects of a situation
- Infrastructure - the set of systems within a place or organization that affect how well it operates
- Fly under the radar - to keep a low profile; to remain unnoticed
- Overnight - in a very short time
- Regulator - a person or organization whose job is to be certain that companies, systems etc act fairly and follow rules
- Negligent - failing to give care or attention, especially when this causes harm or damage
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Rescuing IL&FS"
- Stubble - the ends of plants that are left above ground after a farmer cuts a crop such as wheat or barley
- Measure - an action that is intended to achieve or deal with something
- Residue - the part that is left after the main part has gone or been taken away
- Onset - the beginning of something, especially something bad
- Toxic - poisonous and harmful to people, animals, or the environment
- Atmospheric - relating to or existing in the atmosphere round the Earth or round another planet
- Pilot - to try something with a small group of people to find out if it would be successful or popular
- Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
- Haze - a situation or condition which makes it difficult for you to think clearly
- Noxious - harmful, or poisonous
- Urban - relating to towns and cities, or happening there
- Smog - polluted air that is a mixture of smoke and fog
- Sow - to plant seeds in the ground
- Subsidy - an amount of money that the government or another organization pays to help to reduce the cost of a product or service
- Cooperative society - an organization that sells goods to its members who share the organization’s profits
- Procure - to obtain something, especially with effort or difficulty
- Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
- Proactive - taking action and making changes before they need to be made, rather than waiting until problems develop
- Persuade - to make someone agree to do something by giving them reasons why they should
- Nudge - to encourage someone in a gentle way to do something
- Zero-tolerance - a policy of punishing people for even very minor offences by using the law in a very strict way
- Derive - to receive or obtain something from something else
- Refine - to make small changes to something in order to improve it
- Ecological - relating to the environment and the way that plants, animals, and humans live together and affect each other
- Proportion - a quantity of something that is a part or share of the whole
- Spike - a sudden increase
- Biomass - plant and animal substances used for fuel
- Particulate - an extremely small piece of dirt, especially one produced by road vehicles, that causes pollution
- Dramatically - in a sudden and surprising way that is easy to notice
- Broad-based - used to describe something that will affect many different places, activities, etc
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