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Hindu Editorial Topic : "Aadhaar survives"
- Survive - to continue to exist, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation
- Pragmatic - involving or emphasizing practical results rather than theories and ideas
- Excesses - behaviour that you consider to be wrong because it is too extreme
- Marginalise - to make someone or something seem not important or relevant
- Fierce - very angry, or ready to attack
- Unanimous - a unanimous decision, vote, agreement etc is one that everyone agrees with and supports
- Privacy - the freedom to do things without other people watching you or knowing what you are doing
- Gain ground - to become more successful, popular, or accepted
- Vulnerable - a thing, person, or place that is vulnerable is easy to attack
- In the face of something - in a situation where you have to deal with something unpleasant or difficult
- Scrutiny - careful examination of someone or something
- Sceptic - someone who has doubts about things that other people think are true or right
- Detractor - someone who publicly criticizes someone or something
- Activist - someone who takes part in activities that are intended to achieve political or social change
- Intrusion - the act of becoming involved in something in a way that is not welcome
- Byword - if someone or something is a byword for a particular quality, they have a strong reputation for that quality
- Purported - said by some people to be real or true, but not proved to be real or true
- Surveillance - the process of carefully watching a person or place that may be involved in a criminal activity
- Harvest - something that has been collected
- Exploitation - the process of making use of something so that you gain as much as possible from it
- Profiling - the process of collecting and examining information about someone or something in order to get an accurate idea of what they are like
- Stave off - to stop something from happening
- Essentially - used for emphasizing what is the most important aspect of something or fact about something
- Transformative - causing great and positive change in someone or something
- Subsidy - an amount of money that the government or another organization pays to help to reduce the cost of a product or service
- Bench - the position of being a judge in a court of law
- Violate - to do something that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle etc
- Empower - to give someone more control over their life or more power to do something
- Procure - to obtain something, especially with effort or difficulty
- Dignity - respect that other people have for you or that you have for yourself
- Leverage - to use something that you already have in order to achieve something new or better
- Uphold - if a court of law upholds something such as a claim, it says that it is correct
- Mandatory - ordered by a law or rule
- Intent - the intention to do something
- Welfare - the health and happiness of people
- Avail - to obtain or use something
- Voluntary - a voluntary action is done because you choose to do it, and not because you have to
- Conceive - to think of something such as a new idea, plan, or design
- Rampant - existing, happening, or spreading in an uncontrolled way
- Fraud - the crime of obtaining money from someone by tricking them
- Morph - to change from one thing into another by small and interconnected steps
- Tacit - expressed or understood without being said directly
- Mandatory - ordered by a law or rule
- Aspect - a particular part, feature, or quality of something
- Narrow - limited
- Framework - a set of principles, ideas etc that you use when you are forming your decisions and judgments
- Majority - most of the people or things in a group
- Consolidate - to combine several small things
- Controversial - a controversial subject, opinion, or decision is one that people disagree about or do not approve of
- Unconstitutional - not allowed or not legal according to the constitution (=set of official rules or principles) of a particular country or organization
- Struck down - if a judge or court strikes down a law, they officially end it
- Extent - the degree to which something happens or is likely to happen
- Enrol - if you enrol at a school or other institution, or if someone enrols you there, you put your name on the official list of its students or members
- Oblivious - not noticing something, or not knowing about it
- Impact - an effect, or an influence
- Disbanding - if a group of people disbands or is disbanded, its members stop working together
- For instance - for example
- Rely on - to trust someone or something to do something for you
- Statistics - a group of numbers that represent facts or that describe a situation
- Continuance - the process of continuing
- For the sake of - in order to help or bring advantage to someone / something
- Fret - to worry about something continuously
- Exclude - to deliberately not include something
- Authentication - the act of proving or showing that something is real and not false or copied
- Remedy - a solution to a particular problem
- Loophole - something that has been left out of a law or legal document that people can use to avoid obeying it
- Axe - a situation in which a government, a company, or an organization decides to end something or to get rid of a worker or their job
- Saturation - a situation in which something is so full of a particular type of thing that nothing more can be added
- Irreversible - impossible to change or bring back a previous condition or situation
- Perhaps - used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true
- Pragmatic - involving or emphasizing practical results rather than theories and ideas
- Imperative - extremely important and urgent
- Interpretation - an explanation of the meaning or importance of something
- Defend - to protect someone or something from attack
- Bypass - to ignore a rule or official authority
- Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
- Expenditure - money spent by a government, organization, or person
- Incur - to lose money, owe money, or have to pay money as a result of doing something
- End-to-end - including all the stages of a process
- Encryption - the action or process of putting information or data into code so that people who do not have permission cannot read it
- Underlie - to be the real or basic cause of or reason for something
- Biometrics - the recording of things such as people’s fingerprints or the appearance of their eye in order to identify them on an electronic system
- Merit - an advantage or good quality that someone or something has
- Demerit - a fault or other bad quality
- Abridge - to reduce someone's freedom, rights, etc
- Dissent - strong disagreement, especially with what people in authority think or with what the majority of people think
- Supersede - if one thing supersedes another, it replaces the other thing, especially because it is more modern or more useful
- Constitute - if something constitutes something else, it is considered to be that thing
- Debasement - to reduce the value, quality, or status of something
- Democratic - based on the principle that all people are equal and should be able to share in making decisions
- Displeasure - the feeling of being annoyed or unhappy
- Defiance - refusal to obey a person or rule
- Interim - intended to last or perform an activity only until someone or something permanent or final is available
- Entitlement - the right to receive something or to do something
- Account for something - to form the total of something
- Flaw - a mistake or fault in something that makes it useless or less effective
- Impermissible - not allowed to be done by a law or rule
- Consequence - a result or effect of something
- Abandon - to suddenly leave
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