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September 07, 2018

7th September 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - PDF Download

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 7th September 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The right to love: on Section 377 verdict"
  • Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
  • Ruling - an official decision
  • Further - to help the progress of something so that it is more likely to be successful
  • Frontier - the most advanced or recent ideas about something
  • Stirring - causing strong emotions
  • Landmark - a major event or achievement that marks an important stage in a process and makes progress possible
  • Decriminalise - to change the law so that something that was illegal becomes legal
  • Gay - sexually attracted to people of the same sex
  • Morality - principles of right or wrong behaviour
  • Trump - to be better than, or have more importance or power than another person or thing
  • Reaffirm - to formally and officially state something again
  • Bench - the position of being a judge in a court of law
  • Flagrant - done in an obvious way that shows you do not care if you break rules or offend people
  • Overturn - to say officially that something such as a decision or law is wrong and change it
  • Reasoned - thought about and expressed in an intelligent sensible way
  • Belatedly - late or too late
  • Specious - seeming to be true but in fact wrong
  • Abide by - to follow a rule, decision, or instruction
  • Unnatural - different from what you normally expect or experience, often in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
  • Overrule - to officially change a decision that someone else has made
  • Upheld - if a court of law upholds something such as a claim, it says that it is correct
  • Homosexual - a person who is attracted sexually to people of the same sex
  • Intimate - relating to very private or personal things
  • Inherent - an inherent quality is a basic or essential feature that gives something its character
  • Privacy - the freedom to do things without other people watching you or knowing what you are doing
  • Dignity - respect that other people have for you or that you have for yourself
  • Outcome - the final result of a process, meeting, activity etc
  • Litigation - use of the legal system to settle a disagreement
  • Initiate - to make something start
  • Voluntary - voluntary work is done for no pay
  • Intervening - happening between two events or times
  • Sexual orientation - the state of having sexual relationships with people of one sex rather than the other
  • Jurisprudence - the system of laws that exists in a particular place or that affects a particular area of activity
  • Concerning - about a particular subject
  • Transgender - relating to someone whose gender is different from their biological sex
  • Discrimination - unfair treatment of someone because of their religion, race, or other personal features
  • Facet - an aspect of something such as a situation or someone’s character
  • Emphasis - special importance or attention that is given to one thing in particular
  • Transformative - causing great and positive change in someone or something
  • Constitutionalism - support for a system of government that operates according to a constitution
  • Dynamic - continuously changing, growing, or developing
  • Progressively - gradually and steadily
  • Invoke - to use a law or rule in order to achieve something
  • Doctrine - a set of principles or beliefs, especially religious, political or legal ones
  • Retrogression - the act of returning to an older and worse state
  • Unbridgeable - used for describing problems or differences between people that are so great that they will never be solved or agreed on
  • Poignant - giving you feelings of sadness
  • Owe - to need to pay or give something to someone
  • Apology - a statement that tells someone that you are sorry for doing something wrong or for causing a problem
  • Redress - something that you do for someone or money that you give to them as a way of improving a bad situation that you are responsible for
  • Dilution - the action of making something weaker
  • Departure - something new and different
  • Heteronormative - believing or tending to suggest that heterosexuality is the only normal or valid sexual orientation
  • Minority - a small number of people or things that are part of a larger group but different in some way from most of the group
  • Confront -  to deal with a difficult situation
  • Closet - to not tell people that you are gay
  • Redistribution - the process of sharing something out again in a different way, especially one that is fairer
  • Apartheid - the political system that existed in the past in South Africa, in which only white people had political rights and power
  • Contentious - causing disagreement between people or groups
  • Seizure - the action of taking something or taking control of something, especially using power or force
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc in the past, but not now
  • Tycoon - a rich and powerful person who is involved in business or industry
  • Delicate - a delicate situation needs to be dealt with carefully so that people do not get upset or annoyed
  • Expropriation - to take someone’s land, money, or possessions and use them for public purposes
  • Compensation - money that someone receives because something bad has happened to them
  • Skewed - opinions, ideas, or judgments that are skewed have been affected by something, making them strange or unfair
  • Majority - most of the people or things in a group: can be followed by a singular or plural verb
  • Statistics - a collection of numerical facts or measurements, as about people, business conditions, or weather
  • Dispossessed - people who are dispossessed have had something valuable such as their land taken away from them
  • Colonial - relating to a system or period in which one country rules another
  • Impatience - the annoyed feeling you get when something does not happen as quickly as you want it to or in the way you want it to
  • Saw off - to remove something by cutting through it with a saw or a knife
  • Hover around - to be at or near a particular level without changing much
  • Drift -  to move somewhere slowly as though you do not know where you are going
  • Despair - the feeling that a situation is so bad that nothing you can do will change it
  • Dissipated - spending too much time and money on physical pleasures that are not good for your health
  • Successive - coming or happening one after another in a series
  • Pressing - very important and urgent
  • Hamper - to prevent something from happening or progressing normally
  • Prospect - the possibility that something will happen, especially something good
  • Obstacle - a difficulty or problem that prevents you from achieving something
  • Poverty - a situation in which someone does not have enough money to pay for their basic needs
  • Deficit - a lack of a quality, skill, or ability that you should have
  • Amendment - a change made to a law or agreement
  • Explicit - clear and exact
  • Speculative - based on guesses or on a little information, not on facts
  • Implication - a possible effect or result
  • Mining - the process of getting coal or metal from under the ground
  • Significant - very large or noticeable
  • Acumen - the ability to make good quick decisions and judgments
  • Radical - a radical change or way of doing something is new and very different from the usual way
  • Breakaway - consisting of people who have decided to separate from a larger group
  • Instil - to make someone have a particular feeling or belief
  • Initiative - an important action that is intended to solve a problem
  • Competent - capable of doing something in a satisfactory or effective way
  • Sack - to tell someone that they can no longer work at their job
  • Predecessor - the person who had a job or official position before someone else
  • Manoeuvre - an action or movement that you need care or skill to do
  • Revive - to become, or to make something become, active, successful, or popular again
  • Transformative - causing great and positive change in someone or something
  • Contentious - causing disagreement between people or groups
  • Stand your ground -  to refuse to change your opinions, beliefs, or decisions despite pressure to change them

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