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Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Clemency question: The Rajiv Gandhi assassination case"
- Clemency - a decision not to punish someone severely, made by someone in a position of authority
- Assassination - the murder of a famous or important person, especially for political reasons
- Convict - someone who is in prison because they are guilty of a crime
- Statutory - controlled by a law or statute
- Remit - to reduce a period of time that someone must spend in prison
- Life sentence - a punishment in which someone is sent to prison for the rest of their life
- Recourse - the use of something so that you can get what you want or need in a difficult situation
- Remedy - a solution to a particular problem
- Invoke - to use a law or rule in order to achieve something
- Ultimately - after a process or activity has ended
- Primacy - the fact of being more powerful or important than anything else
- Concur - to agree with someone or something
- Precedent - an action or event in the past that is used as an example or reason for a present action or event
- Ramification - a complicated or unexpected way in which a decision, process, or event affects other things
- Sovereign - having the highest power or being completely independent
- Caution - to tell someone about a danger or problem that they need to know about or avoid
- Moot question - a moot point, question, or issue is one that people disagree about
- Diabolical - evil or cruel
- Hatch - if you hatch something such as a plan, you plan it, especially in secret
- Mindful - careful about or conscious of something
- Subject to something - likely to experience something or to be affected by something
- Mercy - the act of forgiving someone or not treating them severely, especially someone who you have the authority to punish
- For instance - for example
- Repatriate - to send someone back to the country that is legally their own
- Omnibus - comprising several items
- Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
- Gravity - the seriousness or importance of something
- Prolonged - continuing for a long time
- Incarceration - to put someone in prison
- Compassion - a feeling of sympathy for someone who is in a bad situation because you understand and care about them
- Sliver of - a small thin piece of something
- Impact - an effect, or an influence
- Capital punishment - the punishment of being legally killed
- Humane - caring about the quality of people’s or animal’s lives and trying to be kind to them
- Retrograde - returning to a condition or situation that is worse than the present one
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "The old and the new: the U.S. Open"
- Assert - to state firmly that something is true
- Tally - a record of the number of things that someone has done, won, or achieved
- Grand Slam - a set of important competitions held in a sport during one year, especially in tennis, rugby or golf
- The acme of something - the highest possible standard of something
- Major - a well-known and important competition
- Stand shoulder to shoulder - to be next to something or someone
- Practitioner - someone who does a particular activity
- Attrition - the process of making an enemy physically and mentally weaker by continuously attacking them
- Baseline - a quantity, value, or fact used as a standard for measuring other quantities, values, or facts
- Patrolling - the act of checking that there is no trouble or danger in a building or area
- Invincible - too strong to be defeated
- Microcosm - something small that contains or represents all the features or qualities of something larger
- Swung (swing) - to move, or to make something move, backwards and forwards
- Adversity - a difficult period in your life in which you have many problems
- Energise - to make someone feel full of energy or enthusiasm
- Opponent - someone who is competing against you
- Triumphant - successful
- Evidence - facts or physical signs that help to prove something
- Tactically - in a way that relates to a planned method of achieving something
- Restoration - the act or process of returning something to its earlier good condition or position
- Eclectic mix - an eclectic group of people, things, or ideas is interesting or unusual because it consists of many different types
- Immense - extremely large
- Awe - a feeling of great respect and admiration
- Revere - to have a lot of respect and admiration for someone or something
- Back of your hand - to be very familiar with something
- Panache - an impressive way of doing something that shows great skill and confidence
- Magnitude - great size, importance, or effect
- Drown out - to prevent a sound from being heard by making a louder noise
- Chaos - a situation in which everything is confused and in a mess
- Aftermath - the effects and results of something bad or important
- Tirade - a long angry speech criticizing someone or something
- Impressionable - someone who is impressionable is easily impressed and influenced by other people, usually because they are young and lack experience in life
- Relentless - determined, and never stopping your attempts to achieve something
- Here to stay - if something is here to stay, it will continue to exist for a long time and become accepted as normal
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