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Note : There were no editorials in THE HINDU on 5th August 2018 (Sunday)
Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 6th August 2018 from HERE
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Change gears: amendments to the Motor Vehicles Act"
- Change gears - to start to work or develop in a different way
- Amendment - a change made to a law or agreement
- Opposition - strong disagreement with a plan or policy
- Transport - the business of moving people or things from one place to another, usually using buses or trains
- Archaic - old and no longer used
- Lacking - if something important or useful is lacking, it does not exist or is not available
- Provision - a part of an agreement or law that deals with a particular problem
- Lacunae - empty spaces where something is missing
- Address - to give attention to or to deal with a matter or problem
- Ensure - to make certain that something happens or is done
- Orderly - well arranged or organized
- Perceive - to understand or think about something in a particular way
- Competence - the ability to do something in a satisfactory or effective way
- Concurrent - happening or done at the same time
- Concern - something that you think is important
- Empower - to give someone more control over their life or more power to do something
- Inter-State - existing or taking place between states
- Rural - relating to the countryside, or in the countryside
- Mobility - the ability to travel from one place to another
- Federal - a federal country or system is one in which individual states make their own laws, but a national government is responsible for areas such as defence and foreign policy
- Amorphous - having no fixed form or shape
- Vested interest - a special reason for wanting things to happen in a particular way, because you will benefit from this
- Exploit - to treat someone unfairly in order to get some benefit for yourself
- Transparency - the quality of being done in an open way without secrets
- Regulatory - a regulatory organization or company controls an activity, process, or industry
- Bottleneck - a specific problem in part of a process, that causes delays to the whole process
- Entrant - someone who enters a competition or examination
- Keep pace with - to develop or progress at the same rate as something else
- Yielding - producing a lot or a little of something
- Equitable - fair and reasonable because everyone is treated in the same way
- Framework - a set of principles, ideas etc that you use when you are forming your decisions and judgments
- Benchmark - an amount, level, standard etc that you can use for judging how good or bad other things are
- Well-run - a well-run organization is managed in an effective way
- Imperative - extremely important and urgent
- Foster - to help something to develop over a period of time
- Aspect - a particular part, feature, or quality of something
- Curb - to control or limit something that is harmful
- Institutionalised - happening often or considered normal within an organization or within society
- Enhance - to improve something
- Violation - an action that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle etc
- Harassment - annoying or unpleasant behaviour towards someone that takes place regularly, for example threats, offensive remarks, or physical attacks
- Zero tolerance - a policy of punishing people for even very minor offences by using the law in a very strict way
- Escalate - to increase, especially at a fast rate that causes problems
- Harness - to control something
- Monitoring - to regularly check something or watch someone in order to find out what is happening
- Determine - to control what something will be
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Brexit troubles"
- Brexit - an exit (= act of leaving) by the United Kingdom from the European Union (short for "British exit")
- Chequers - the official country home of the British prime minister
- Desperate - very worried and angry because you do not know how to deal with an unpleasant situation
- Lobby - an action such as a protest or meeting which is intended to influence politicians
- Emerge - to become known
- Retreat - to avoid a dangerous, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation, especially by moving away from it
- Scrape through - to succeed in doing something, but not in a very impressive way
- The House of Commons - the part of the parliament in the UK or Canada that consists of politicians who have been elected by the people
- Colleague - someone who works in the same organization or department as you
- Negotiator - someone who tries to help two groups who disagree to reach an agreement with each other, usually as a job
- Backstop - something that can be used to solve problems after everything else has been tried
- Vague - not clearly or fully explained
- Pour cold water - if someone pours cold water on a plan or idea, they criticize it so much that people lose their enthusiasm for it
- Core - the most important or most basic part of something
- Tariff - a tax that a government charges on goods that enter or leave their country
- Inextricably - used for emphasizing that two things always exist together and you cannot separate them or consider them as separate
- Customs - a government department that collects taxes on goods that people bring into a country
- Throw a spanner in the works - to do something that suddenly stops a process or plan
- Unlikely - not likely to happen
- Divergent - things that are divergent are different from each other
- Summit - a meeting or series of meetings between leaders of two or more countries
- Crash out - to be badly defeated so that you have to leave a competition
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