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July 21, 2018

21st July 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - PDF Download

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 21st July 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper

Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 21st July 2018 from HERE

  • Onus - if the onus is on someone to do something, it is their responsibility or duty to do it
  • Agency - a government department, or an organization connected with a government, that deals with a particular subject
  • Credibility - qualities that someone has that make people believe or trust them
  • Arraignment - to order someone to go to a court of law to be formally charged with a crime
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc in the past, but not now
  • Charge - an official statement accusing someone of committing a crime
  • Flashpoint - a situation in which serious problems are likely to develop
  • Principal - main, or most important
  • Run-up - to make something very quickly
  • On the eve of something - on the day before an important event, or during the period of time just before it
  • No-confidence motion - a voting process in which people show that they do not support a person or group in power
  • Charge sheet - an official record in which the police write down the names of people they have accused of a crime
  • Subsidiary - a company that is owned by a larger company
  • Conglomerate - a large business organization formed when several different businesses join together
  • Violation - an action that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle etc
  • Accuse - to say that someone has done something wrong or committed a crime
  • Bribery - the crime of giving money or presents to someone so that they will help you by doing something dishonest or illegal
  • Exceed - to go above an official limit
  • Uncertainty - the fact that something is not known or has not been decided
  • Intention - a plan in your mind to do something
  • Vastly - to a great degree
  • Trial - the process of examining a case in a court of law and deciding whether someone is guilty or innocent
  • Quid pro quo - something that you offer or give to someone in return for something that they have offered or given you
  • Evidence - facts or physical signs that help to prove something
  • Acquit - to state officially that someone is not guilty of the crime they were accused of
  • Concerned - involved in something, or affected by something
  • Disprove - to prove that something is not correct or true
  • Allegation - a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though this has not been proved
  • Vendetta - a situation in which someone has angry and negative feelings towards someone else and keeps trying to harm them or to cause problems for them
  • Unrest - angry or violent behaviour by people who are protesting against something
  • Stability - a situation in which things happen as they should and there are no harmful changes
  • Oust - to remove someone from a position of power, especially in order to take that position
  • Dictator - someone who uses force to take and keep power in a country
  • Evoke - to bring a particular emotion, idea, or memory into your mind
  • Abate - to gradually become less serious or extreme
  • Dig your heels in - to refuse to change your plans or ideas, especially when someone is trying to persuade you to do so
  • Veteran - someone who was in the armed forces, especially during a war
  • Prolong - to make something last longer
  • Bloody - extremely violent and involving a lot of blood and injuries
  • Conflict - fighting between countries or groups
  • Confrontation - a situation in which people or groups are arguing angrily or are fighting
  • Claim - if war, disease, or an accident claims someone’s life, they die as a result of it
  • Trigger - to make something happen
  • Protest - a strong complaint or disagreement
  • Reform - a change that is intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively
  • Rationale - the set of reasons that something such as a plan or belief is based on
  • Perceive - to notice or realize something
  • Provocation - something that causes you to react in an angry or violent way, often something that is intended to cause such a reaction
  • Regime - a government that controls a country, especially in a strict or unfair way
  • Rescind - to state officially that something such as a law or an agreement has ended and no longer has legal authority
  • Morph - to change from one thing into another by small and interconnected steps
  • Broad-based - used to describe something that will affect many different places, activities, etc
  • Opposition - strong disagreement with a plan or policy, especially when this is shown in active attempts to prevent something
  • Speculation - ideas or discussion about why something has happened or what might happen
  • Groom - to prepare someone for a special job or activity
  • Coalesce - to come together and form a group or a single unit
  • Civic - relating to the people who live in a town or city or the duties and responsibilities that they have as citizens
  • Alliance - an arrangement between two or more people, groups, or countries by which they agree to work together to achieve something
  • Democracy - a system of government in which people vote in elections to choose the people who will govern them
  • Paramilitary - a paramilitary group is organized like an army but is not official and often not legal
  • Depict - to represent or show something
  • Savagery - behaviour that is cruel and violent
  • Rescue - to save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation
  • Victim - someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed as the result of a crime
  • Wound - an injury in which your skin or flesh is damaged, usually seriously
  • Viral - very popular and spreading very quickly, especially on the Internet
  • Volunteer - someone who is not paid for the work that they do
  • Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
  • Rapid - happening, moving, or acting quickly
  • Forecast - a statement about what is likely to happen, based on available information and usually relating to the weather, business, or the economy
  • Substantial - large in amount or degree
  • Ascribe to something to something - to believe something is the cause of something else
  • Unrest - angry or violent behaviour by people who are protesting against something
  • Uncertainty - a nervous feeling that you have because you think bad things might happen
  • Persist - to continue to do or say something in a determined way
  • Breakdown - a situation in which something has failed or is beginning to fail
  • Dialogue - a process in which two people or groups have discussions in order to solve problems
  • Protester - someone who publicly shows their opposition to something such as a law or policy
  • Erupt - to start suddenly with a lot of violence or noise
  • Relinquish - to give up your power, position, or an advantage, especially when you do not want to do this
  • Validate - to officially prove that something is true or correct
  • Deteriorate - to become worse
  • Conversely - used for introducing a sentence, or part of a sentence, which says something that is the opposite of the other part
  • Unified - a unified system or policy is the same everywhere it is used
  • Discontent - the unhappy feeling that you have when you are not satisfied with something
  • Invincibility - too strong to be defeated
  • Crackdown - strong action that someone in authority takes to stop a particular activity

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