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Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 31st May 2018 from HERE
Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 31st May 2018 from HERE
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Berth pangs: on the Karnataka coalition impasse"
- Pang - a very strong, sudden, and unpleasant pain or emotion
- Coalition - a temporary union of different political parties that agree to form a government together
- Impasse - a situation in which progress is not possible because none of the people involved are willing to change their opinion or decision
- Resolve - to solve a problem, or to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a disagreement
- Portfolio - all the responsibilities of a government minister
- Crises - plural of crisis (an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation)
- Sealing a deal - to make a deal certain or complete
- Draw to a close - to end
- Contour - outline
- Concede - to stop trying to win a war, competition, or argument because you realize that you cannot win it
- Considerable - large in size, amount, or degree
- Drive a hard bargain - to argue in a very determined way in order to reach an agreement that benefits you
- Step back - to stop for a moment in order to consider something
- Regime - a system or form of government
- Shear - to remove a part of something
- Substantial - large in amount or degree
- Levy - to officially request payment of a tax
- Initiative - an important action that is intended to solve a problem
- Intelligence - information collected about the secret plans and activities of a foreign government, enemy etc
- Indeed - used for adding a statement that supports and increases the effect of what you have just said
- Major - important, serious, large, or great
- Sworn in - when someone is sworn in, they make a formal promise to be honest or loyal, either in a law court or when starting a new official job
- Sought-after - wanted by many people but not easy to get
- Outlay - the amount of money that you must spend in order to buy something or to start a new business or project
- Constitute - if several people or things constitute something, they combine to form it
- Rung - a position in an organization or system with many levels
- Patronage - help or money that is given to a person or organization
- Protracted - continuing for a long time, especially longer than is normal or necessary
- Tussle - a short fight
- Infuse - to fill someone or something with an emotion or quality
- Thwart - to prevent someone from doing something that they want to do
- Unconditional - without limits or conditions
- Unseemly - unseemly behaviour is embarrassing or upsets people because it is not suitable in a particular situation
- Scramble - to hurry or try very hard to get something, often competing with other people
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Paper chase: the need to review use of VVPATs"
- Paper chase - an attempt to do something that involves reading and writing a lot of documents, and that takes a long time
- Review - the process of studying or examining a situation, policy, or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory
- Incidence - the number of times something happens, especially something bad
- Glitch - a small and sudden problem, especially with technology such as a computer
- Audit - a careful examination of something, especially one done to find the amount, size, or effectiveness of something
- By-election - an election that happens at a different time from a main election, to choose a Member of Parliament to replace one who has died or left his or her job
- Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
- Respectively - used for saying that something happens separately to each of the people or things mentioned in the order in which they were mentioned
- Consequence - a result or effect of something
- Malfunction - a failure to work or operate correctly
- Subsequent - happening or coming after something else
- Recurring - happening again, especially several times
- Deploy - to use something
- Glitch - a small and sudden problem, especially with technology such as a computer
- Constituency - a division of a country that elects a representative to a parliament
- Prone - likely to do something or be affected by something, especially something bad
- Exposure - the state of being put into a situation in which something harmful or dangerous might affect you
- Relative - considered in comparison with other similar things
- Ballot - the process of voting secretly to choose a candidate in an election or express an opinion about an issue
- Audit - a careful examination of something, especially one done to find the amount, size, or effectiveness of something
- Tally - a record of the number of things that someone has done, won, or achieved
- Deem - to consider that someone or something has a particular quality
- Hacking - to use a computer to connect to someone else’s computer secretly and often illegally, so that you can find or change information on it
- Complaint - something that someone complains about
- Hasten - to make something happen sooner or more quickly
- Stray - to move away from the correct place or path
- Inadvertently - not deliberately, and without realizing what you are doing
- Adjunct - something that is added to something else but is not essential to it
- Complexity - the complicated nature of something
- Glitch - a small and sudden problem, especially with technology such as a computer
- Empirical - based on real experience or scientific experiments rather than on theory
- Ease - to make a problem, bad situation, or pain less severe
- Turnout - the number of voters in an election
- Reassure - to make someone feel less worried about something
- Sceptic - someone who has doubts about things that other people think are true or right
- Integrity - the quality of behaving according to the rules and standards of your job or profession
- Statistically - relating to a group of numbers that represent facts or that describe a situation
- Significant - very large or noticeable
- Handy - useful
- Drastically - in a way that is likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect
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