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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Not above the law: On Salman Khan case verdict"
- Above the law - in a position where one can avoid being bound by the laws that govern ordinary people
- Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
- Stiff - more severe or difficult than usual
- Confer - to give something such as authority, a legal right, or an honour to someone
- Impunity - freedom from any risk of being punished for doing something wrong or bad
- Poaching - to illegally catch or kill an animal, bird, or fish on someone else’s property
- Credible - able to be believed or trusted
- Evidence - facts or physical signs that help to prove something
- Vigorously - strongly
- Bloodsport - activities that involve killing animals or birds
- Controversy - a disagreement, especially about a public policy or a moral issue that a lot of people have strong feelings about
- Expedition - a long journey organized for a particular purpose, especially to a dangerous or distant place
- Constraint - something that limits your freedom to do what you want
- Exert - to use influence, authority, or power in order to affect or achieve something
- Empowerment - to give someone official authority or the freedom to do something
- Intimidation - the act of deliberately making someone feel frightened, especially so that they will do what you want
- Diversity - the fact that very different people or things exist within a group or place
- Endangered animals - a type of animal or plant that may soon become extinct (=disappear from the world)
- Conviction - a decision by a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime
- Snare - a piece of equipment used for catching an animal. It consists of a wire or rope that is pulled tightly round the animal
- Thriving - very successful
- Sanctuary - official protection given to someone by a place that is safe for them
- Vigilance - the activity of watching a person or situation very carefully so that you will notice any problems or signs of danger immediately
- Grotesque - extremely ugly and strange
- Incongruous - strange because of being very different to other things which happen or exist in the same situation
- Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
- Deterrent - something that makes people decide not to do something by making them realize that something unpleasant could happen to them
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Disruptive Mr. Trump"
- Disruptive - causing difficulties that interrupt something or prevent it from continuing
- Consistent - not changing in behaviour, attitudes, or qualities
- Undermine - to make something or someone become gradually less effective, confident, or successful
- Multilateralism - the principle of participation by three or more parties, especially by the governments of different countries
- Counter - to reply to a criticism or statement that you disagree with
- Tit-for-tat - something that you do to harm someone because they have harmed you
- Tariff - a tax that a government charges on goods that enter or leave their country
- Import - a product from another country, that is bought with money from your country
- Barometer - something that shows how a situation is changing or how people feel about something
- Single out - to choose one person or thing from a group for special attention, especially criticism or praise
- Pried open - to force something open or away from something
- Negotiation - formal discussions in which people or groups try to reach an agreement, especially in a business or political situation
- Retaliate - to do something harmful or unpleasant to someone because they have done something harmful or unpleasant to you
- Impact - an effect, or an influence
- Obligation - something that you must do for legal or moral reasons
- Room for something - the amount of space that is needed for a particular purpose
- Escalating - to become much worse or more serious
- Significantly - by a large amount, or in a way that is easily noticeable
- Trans-Pacific - relating to an area beyond the Pacific
- Large-scale - involving a large number of people or things, or happening over a large area
- Protectionism - a system in which a country helps its own industries by putting taxes on foreign goods
- Unilateralism - the belief that a country should take unilateral action, especially to get rid of its nuclear weapons even if other countries keep theirs
- Constituent - one of the parts that form something when they combine
- Arbitrarily - on the basis of random choice, rather than any reason or system
- Steward - someone who looks after something and protects it
- Globalisation - the idea that the world is developing a single economy and culture as a result of improved technology and communications and the influence of very large multinational companies
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