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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Economic Survey: Cautious optimism"
- Cautious - careful to avoid problems or danger
- Optimism - a tendency to be hopeful and to expect that good things will probably happen
- Fiscal - relating to money and financial matters, especially taxes
- Credibility - qualities that someone has that make people believe or trust them
- Paint the picture of something - to describe or show something in a particular way
- Caution - careful thought and lack of hurry in order to try to avoid risks or danger
- Accelerate - to happen or make something happen at a faster rate
- Reinstate - to start using or having something such as a law or benefit again
- Prognosis - a statement about what is likely to happen in a particular situation
- Reform - a change that is intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively
- Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
- Insolvency - the state of not having enough money to pay debts, buy goods, etc
- Bankruptcy - a situation in which a person or business has officially admitted that they have no money and cannot pay what they owe
- Initiative - an important action that is intended to solve a problem
- Enabler - a person or organization that makes it possible for someone else to achieve something
- Overseas - happening or existing in a country across the sea from your country
- Favourable - giving someone or something an advantage or a benefit
- Vigilant - watching a person or situation very carefully so that you will notice any problems or signs of danger immediately
- Macroeconomic - relating to the economic system of a whole country or large region
- Persistently - continuously
- Exemplary - excellent or done in a way that other people should try to copy
- Stewardship - the way in which someone organizes and looks after something
- Induce - to cause something to happen
- Elevated - at a higher level or amount than previously or than is normal
- Indices - a plural of index
- Sanguineness - if you're sanguine about a situation, that means you're optimistic that everything's going to work out fine
- Sustainability - capability of continuing for a long time at the same level
- Triggering - to make something happen
- Outflow - a movement of large amounts of money or large numbers of people from one place to another
- Policymaker - a member of a government department, legislature, or other organization who is responsible for making new rules, laws, etc
- Choking off - to stop someone or something from developing or being successful
- Nascent - beginning or formed recently
- Contend that - to claim that something is true
- Onus - the responsibility or duty to do something
- Squarely - in a clear and definite way
- Credibility - qualities that someone has that make people believe or trust them
- Ambitious - an ambitious plan, aim, or attempt is difficult and will need a lot of effort to succeed
- Consolidation - the action or process of combining a number of things into a single more effective or coherent whole
- Unrealistic - based on hopes or wishes, and not on what is likely or possible
- Modest - fairly good or successful, but not excellent
- Calibrated - measured and careful
- Deficit - the difference between the amount of money or goods that a country or business has and the amount that it has spent or that it owes
- Elbow room - the freedom to do what you want, without other people annoying you
- Outlook - an idea about what a situation will be like in the future
- Mitigation - a reduction in the harmful effects of something
- Irrigation - to supply land with water so that crops and plants will grow
- Sustainable - capable of continuing for a long time at the same level
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Roger Federer: Renaissance man"
- Renaissance - new interest in something that makes it popular again
- Iridescent - showing many bright colours that change with movement
- Maestro - someone very skilled who people admire and respect a lot
- Perhaps - used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true
- Remarkable - unusual in a way that surprises or impresses you
- Aspect - a particular part, feature, or quality of something
- Certainty - something that will definitely happen or that you feel very sure about
- Triumph - a great victory or success
- Startling - surprising, or very unusual
- Victory - the fact of winning a competition or battle
- Significantly - in a way that is relevant or that has an important effect on something
- Repurpose - to reuse something for a different purpose from the one that was originally intended
- Backhand - in tennis and similar sports, a movement made to hit the ball in which the back of your hand moves towards the ball
- Discomfit - to make someone feel embarrassed
- Fraught with - full of problems, difficulties, or things that are confusing
- Innate - an innate quality or ability is one that you have always had
- Fortnight - a period of two weeks
- Formidable - very impressive in size, power, or skill and therefore deserving respect and often difficult to deal with
- Mess up - to make a mistake, or to do something badly
- Whisper - to say something very quietly so that other people cannot hear you
- Adept - skilful at doing something
- Spectacular - extremely impressive
- Shedding - to get rid of something that is not wanted or is no longer necessary
- Refurbish - renovate and redecorate something
- Nuance - a slight difference that may be difficult to notice but is fairly important
- Facet - an aspect of something such as a situation or someone’s character
- Tactical - a tactical action is one that you do as part of a plan for achieving what you want
- Outcompete - to defeat by competing more effectively or aggressively
- Outlive - to live or exist longer than someone or something
- Pantheon - all the famous people connected with a particular activity, for example a sport or the film industry
- Finest - the best example of its type