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October 11, 2017

IBPS Clerks Prelims 2016 Previous Question Paper (Completely Solved - Pdf)


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Dear IBPS Clerks VII aspirants, we hope your preparation is going well for the upcoming Preliminary Exam. We have been getting a number of requests to post the previous paper of IBPS Clerks VI Prelims. So today we are giving you the PDF file of complete questions asked in IBPS Clerks Preliminary Exam held on 3rd December 2016. You can download this pdf file from below link. Assume that this is your final test and try to solve this in 1 hour and check with the key provided at the end of the paper. If you have any doubts, you can refer to the solutions given at the end of the paper. We will try to share the questions asked in remaining shifts too. Happy reading :)

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