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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Sacking FBI chief, a clear misfire"
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "TB timelines"
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Sacking FBI chief, a clear misfire"
- Sacking - an act of removing someone from a job
- Misfire - if a plan misfires, it does not have the result that was intended
- Calls into question - to cause doubts about something
- Probe - an attempt to find out the truth about an issue
- Collusion - agreement between people to act together secretly or illegally in order to deceive or cheat someone
- Campaign - a planned group of especially political, business, or military activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim
- Turning point - the time at which a situation starts to change in an important way
- Scandal - a situation in which important people behave in a dishonest or immoral way that shocks people
- Engulfing - to cover or surround something in a way that harms or destroys it
- Incumbent - officially having the named position
- Enforcement - to make people obey a law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted
- Probing - intended to get information
- Aide - someone whose job is to help another person in their work
- Sack - a situation in which someone is removed from their job
- Unleashing - to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled
- Eventual - happening or existing at the end of a process or period of time
- Ousting - to remove someone from a position of power, especially in order to take that position
- Hardly - certainly not
- Accuse - to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind
- Incompetence - lack of ability to do something successfully or as it should be done
- Probe - to try to discover information that other people do not want you to know, by asking questions carefully and not directly
- Irony - a situation in which something which was intended to have a particular result has the opposite or a very different result
- Get rid of somebody - to send away someone annoying
- Few takers - few people interested in what has been offered
- Accusation - a statement saying that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind, or the fact of accusing someone
- Reinforce - if something reinforces an idea or opinion, it provides more proof or support for it and makes it seem true
- Perception - a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem
- Disrupt - to prevent something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected
- Oversee - to watch or organize a job or an activity to make certain that it is being done correctly
- Trigger - an event or situation, etc. that causes something to start
- Overplay your hand - to spoil your chance of success by saying or doing too much
- Ethically - in a way that relates to moral principles
- Tactically - in a way that relates to actions carefully planned to gain a specific end
- Distance yourself from something - to become or seem less involved or connected with something
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "TB timelines"
- Transmission - the process of passing something from one person or place to another
- Resistant - not wanting to accept something
- Ambitious - having a strong wish to be successful
- Crisis - an extremely difficult or dangerous point in a situation
- Snowball - if a plan, problem, idea, etc. snowballs, it quickly grows bigger and more important
- Extensively - having a great range
- Injectable - a drug that can be put into the body using a needle and syringe
- Alarming - frightening or worrying
- Projection - a calculation or guess about the future based on information that you have
- Inadequate - not good enough or too low in quality
- Discontinuation - to stop doing or providing something
- Emergence - the fact of something becoming known or starting to exist
- Acquiring - to get something
- Outcome - a result or effect of an action, situation, etc
- Diagnose - to recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it
- Forecast - a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, especially in connection with a particular situation
- Enhanced - better than before
- Intervention - the act or fact of becoming involved intentionally in a difficult situation
- Preventive - intended to stop something before it happens
- Susceptibility - the fact that someone or something can easily be influenced, harmed, or infected
- Mandatory - something that is mandatory must be done
- Accurate - correct, exact, and without any mistakes
- Regimen - any set of rules about food and exercise that someone follows, especially in order to improve their health
- Go a long way - will be successful
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