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Jack of all Master of some
No this is not my introduction .. this is the sentence which is prevalent these days .. for getting a job you have to follow this sentence.I have been selected as Officer scale 1 in Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank.
I would like to share my experience with you all.
Name : Saurabh Kumar
Qualification: B.A. HISTORY (HONS.)
In this world everyone has different opinion about success for me success is seeing a happy face of my family and friends and yes the final result of RRB CWE on 10th of March made me feel that indeed this was the part of my success, seeing those tears rolling down from the eyes of family members made Goosebumps, I can’t share those moments by putting down in the text so I pray and hope that soon you guys ‘ll experience those moments by yourself.
Firstly I would like to say thanks to Gr8ambitionz and few other websites for providing the apt and updated materials to aspirants that helped them making their way towards earning a job.
Banking field is evolving day by day and for that reason it requires more catered manpower to serve so we have to polish ourselves.
I cleared my graduation in June 2014 and after that I started preparing for Govt jobs, I joined a coaching class for guidance but that thing didn’t helped much because of poor guidance by some faculty members and day by day changing pattern of banking exams.
Few points worth to be mentioned maybe it would seem the same that old rugged lines but yes these are still prevalent.
1. Don’t compare knife with scissors : Everyone has their own capabilities and everyone has their own way of learning … what matter most is the answer of the question that.. are you enjoying what you are doing?/ does your practice/work making any improvement in your performance?/
If the answer is affirmative then you are good to go.. keep your heads up .. sooner or later you ‘ll get what you are preparing for.
2. You are bound to succeed just don’t lose hope … “winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit” don’t think about your failures but try to see where you made the mistake… try to bounce back quickly. I missed many exams by very narrow margin after the result of SBI Clerk I was shattered and thought of looking for some other options but I bounced back quickly.
Here’s a quick recap of the exams that I appeared :
In the starting I appeared for all kinds of exams like Intelligence Bureau PA, KVS LDC, and few other exams of SSC… somehow managed to clear the written of IB PA, and KVS LDC but failed in skill test. , after that I shifted my interest towards Banking examinations.
In 2015 :
- IBPS CLERK : Mains: 140 marks(out), Cutoff : around 144 from Bihar
- IBPS PO Mains: 78 marks (out in sectional) Overall cutoff :77
- IBPS RRB CLERK: 131 marks in written, 65 in interview… out in final list
In 2016 :
- SBI PO : Out in PT
- RBI ASST: Out in PT
- UIIC AO: 110 marks(out)
- SBI CLERK: 129(Out) cutoff 130
- IBPS PO : 77 marks in Mains( out in sectional) Cutoff: 52.50
- Bank Of Maharashtra PO: 125.25 marks(didn’t attended the interview)
- IDBI EXECUTIVE: 99.25, CUTOFF: 101.25
- IPPB Scale 1: 114 attempt(waiting for result)
- IBPS Clerk: 140 attempt(waiting)
- IBPS RRB PO : 129.75 marks in written and 74 marks in interview(combined Score 66.70) finally selected as officer scale 1 in Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank .
Few more words about Preparation :
For PT : These days for average students clearing the cutoff of PT is becoming a difficult task so try to attempt more in PT … for that clear your basics practice section wise test which are posted by Gr8 and start giving some good STs (I had purchased PracticeMock ST) , analyze your performance and time management.
For Main s: try to score more in GA and Computer, these sections will be life savior as English, Reasoning, Quants are becoming tougher day by day.
For GA: Current affairs and Banking dominates in the GA section… for scoring more keep yourself updated and make notes on daily basis. For Banking you can watch videos of Learning Space on Youtube.
For Computer : consult any basic book or consult the pdfs available on internet, practical knowledge will help you more. Spend some time with MS Office : )
For Quants : clear your basics and do regular practice. Choose those topics in exams in which you can score easily like DI, No. Series, Equation etc. If you are “weak” in this section then attempting miscellaneous topics will be like attempting a suicide.
For Reasoning : only practice will help … try to solve different type of puzzles from STs or from different sites. Also try to cover Analytical reasoning If you are good in analytical you‘ll surely score good marks.
English : Headache for many aspirants I have seen many students complaining that they are not able to clear the sectional cutoff of this subject citing the reason that they are from Hindi Medium. Let me tell you I have done my schooling from Hindi medium even till Graduation my medium of study was Hindi but still I score above average in English section .. what I did? I used to read Novels, Newspapers regularly. English section of Banking doesn’t tests your grammar skills only, they test the basic understanding of this subject .. so spend more time on reading and grasping the crux of the passage. you’ll surely improve. Also Practice this section from STs.
Consult the The Hindu newspaper and Norman Lewis book for making you vocab part strong.
“Before anything else preparation is the key to success”Wishing You all Good Luck .
Thanks for reading this .
And Thanks Gr8ambitionz for publishing this : )
Read my IBPS RRB Officers Scale I Interview experience HERE
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