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IBPS Marketing Officer Exam, 2017 Questions
- Acid test- Brand loyality
- Advantage of any company-Core Competency
- Age ,Religion,Ethenicity,geography comes under- Culture/Subculture
- All product are heterogenous -is a segmentation theory
- Any slogan or phrase is- tagline
- ATM comes under- Place Mix
- B2B is _______ B2C in market share -
- Banks comes under _micro environment
- Explain=3 environment Macro, micro, Internal , Macro- PESTEL Micro- Supplier,Customer, market intermediates, Financers (Banks),Public
- Barter is an Exchange (without money)
- Brand Extension - using Previous brand name in new product
- Buzz marketing - Viral marketing
- Commoditization - Goods are treated as a comodity on price
- Credit card - Target group -Individual with taxable income
- Customization- action of modifying something to suit a particular individual
- Displaying important information- Labelling
- Expansion of product awareness under- Introduction stage
- for exchange 2 people for market 3 people
- For safety/protection of a brand -Trademark is used(Comes under intellectual property)
- Gender comes under- Demographic environment
- Good consumer service comes under- Service Marketing
- Idea screening is a stage of screening of idea
- Indian ka buying behavior - Bargain or complex or augmented not sure
- Industrial product is differentiated- on the basis of its use
- Lead generation- creating initiation of customer interest
- Liquuar and Cigarrate -Sarrogate Advertisement hoti hai
- Low cost marketing yield max result - Guirrilla marketing
- Market orientation firms- focuses on customers
- Market space
- Marketing =long term selling =short term
- MOS= Margin of safety - is the difference between the intrinsic value of a stock and its market price
- MRTP =Monopolistic and restrictive trade practice
- Newsletter ,Catalog comes under - promotion
- Package is identification through which brand can be identified
- Performance exceeds expectations -Augmented product
- Personality Advertisement - a kind of associative group
- PLC stage - sustain nahi hoga
- Purpose of segmentation -identify the difference of behavior
- Radio Advertisement- Mass Reach
- Service durable nahi perishable hoti hai
- supply> Demand =buyers market
- SWOT -Strength, weekness,oppertunity,threat
- The quality of being able to be reached- Accessibility
- TQM- Total quality management
- Trade promotion ,Retail support comes under -push strategy
- Untapped segment of speciality - Niche
- USP - unique selling proposition
- Visiting Bank in Dubai is not a product - ha ha kya option hai
- Which is not under 4 C- Creativity
- Which one is marketing channel - Retail outlet
- Win Win Marketing
Shared by Sumit Gurani
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