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After that, I was asked to wait in the waiting area. Within 10 minutes I was at the door of the room waiting for my turn. Then the bell rang and it was my turn. I entered the room after asking for the permission. There were 5 persons in the panel, 4 male and 1 female.
M1, M2, M3, M4, F1.
I wished them and stood by the chair as I was not told to sit. Then M3 asked me to have seat and I sat after thanking him.
M2 was having my documents so he started the interview.
M2: What your father do?
(I answered it there but I prefer not to disclose it here)
M3: ..and mother?
=> Sir, she is a gracious homemaker :)
M2: What are you doing currently?
=> Sir, I am working as Business Analyst with a software company.
M4: What is your qualification?
=> Sir, I have done my graduation in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
M2: What is your current salary package?
=> (I told them but again I don't want to disclose it here, but as a clue for the upcoming question, my current salary package is higher than what a PO will get in a PSB)
M3: What do you do in your job?
=> Sir, my main responsibilities with my current profile include requirement gathering, their documentation, interaction with client to get the sign off for the requirements, creating use cases, flow chart and wireframes if it's needed, interacting with development team to keep the team in right track, performing user acceptance testing when the project is ready.
M3: It seems that what you learned in your graduation is being utilised in your current job.
=> Pardon sir but I would like to correct you slightly, what I have studied during my graduation is not at all being utilised instead what I have learned during my graduation is coming handy. I have developed several interpersonal skills during my stint in college which are helping me to perform well in my current job. I would like to add that in my previous employment my Project Manager once told me that I am a natural analyst.
M2: As you are doing quite good in your current profile why do you want to join the bank.
=> Sir, as you know the job stability in private companies is not something to boast about, they can boot you out any time they want. The scope in banking is very broad, it is considered to be the sunshine industry of the country. I have read somewhere that every person must study finance in their life, and there could not be a better way to learn about finance and economy while being a part of the financial system itself. Banking is a fast changing industry every day some new technologies and products are being launched, so the scope of learning is much more.
M3: Do you think that you will be able to change your job profile to a bank?
=> Definitely sir, I have been part of the professional culture for a long time and this will help me with my stint as a banker. I have good communication skills, I have also lead a team and delivered timely results as a team. I think this makes me fit for the job profile of a banker. Although banking is directly related to public service which makes it a challenging profile but there are always few challenges associated with whatever we do in our life.
then M2 signalled M4 to ask questions...
M4: Tell me why RRBs were introduced?
=> Sir, in 1975 when RRBs were introduced there was a need to provide the banking services to the rural and remote areas of the nation as at that time nationalised banks were mostly concentrated in urban areas. To overcome this gap RRBs were introduced so that the banking facilities should reach to the last person in the row.
M4: What is the role of RBI in the banking system?
=> RBI controls the money supply in the economy by its control over monetary policy. It is the sole authority in India to issue currency. RBI issues licences to the banks for conducting business in India. RBI is also known as lender of the last resort as banks can borrow from RBI at the time of need.
M4: What is the monetary policy?
=> Sir, Monetary policy refers to the policy of the central bank with regard to the use of monetary instruments under its control to maintain price stability while keeping in mind the objective of growth. (he continued what are those instruments).. Sir, LAF and OMO.
M3: What other forms you filled apart from IBPS PO?
=> Sir, this year I applied for SBI PO, IBPS PO, RRB PO, IPPB PO, BOM PO..... (then he interrupted me and asked about my result in SBI PO). Sir in SBI PO I reached till mains stage and was filtered out there.
M3: Have you applied for the IT Officer post?
=> No Sir, I didn't apply for IT officer post. (he asked why?)... Sir, last year I applied for it and was not able to score well because I am not good with programming and database. (then he asked but you work with a software company then why not) Sir, I am not into programming and I also have not studied it, I am good with the part of the syllabus which is related to my graduation field but I have not learned the DBMS and Programming part.
M3: Why you didn't apply for Clerk jobs?
=> (this was the questions where I fumbled a bit because I was not expecting this question, still I managed to answer) Sir, although the job profile is also good but the PO profile offers more to learn as a banker rather than a clerk also I will not be able to utilize my skills fully as a clerk that's why I decided not to apply for clerk job. ( He seems to be satisfied with my answer but this is what I managed to utter at that moment)
M3: Have you ever been to any village?
=> Yes sir, my nanihal is in a remote village and I used to visit there every year at least once. I used to like the calm lifestyle of village compared to busy city life.
M3: That means if you are posted in a remote rural area you will not have any problem.
=> Definitely sir, I will not be having any problem at all.
M2: Thank you. that would be all for now.
I thanked them all and left the room.
M1 and F1 didn't ask anything they were constantly observing me though I maintained eye contact with all of them while answering.
(Please note the interview was bilingual, most of the questions they asked were in Hindi, I choose to mix up Hindi and English while answering but I mainly used English)
shared by Ansh
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