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One Word Substitutes Practice Test - 3
- A person who mainly thinks about money and possessions
- babbitt (noun)
- Confused talking that is difficult to understand
- babble (noun)
- Take care of babies / children in the absence of their parents
- baby-sit (verb)
- Critical and unpleasant talk about someone in their absence
- backbiting (noun)
- The process of passing information secretly
- Put a date that is earlier than the present date
- backdate (verb)
- Indulging in secret and indirect means to achieve an object
- backdoor (adjective)
- Have a risky opposite effect than the one intended
- backfire (verb)
- Having a meaning that is not intended
- backhanded (adjective)
- A negative reaction that is strong
- backlash (noun)
- Work that was to have been completed but is pending
- backlog (noun)
- The process in which people praise one another loudly
- backslapping (noun)
- Act of pretending to be someone's friend and criticizing them in their absence
- backstabbing (noun)
- Change opinion or statement when there is pressure from someone
- backtrack (verb)
- Extra support that one gets when needed
- backup (noun)
- Utter unpleasant things about someone
- bad-mouth (verb)
- Confuse someone totally
- baffle (verb)
- The process of giving money to someone who is in serious financial problem
- bailout (noun)
- A person or thing used to attract someone
- bait (noun)
- Not hiding one's dishonest behavior
- bald-faced (adjective)
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