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- NPCI is an umbrella organization for all retail payments system in India. It was incorporated in ____________
- 2010
- 2011
- 2009
- 2008
- 2013
- National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) headed by ____________
- To take the banking services to every common man across the country, NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India) launched *99# service. The *99# service worked on USSD channel. In this context, USSD stands for ____________
- Unity Supplementary Service Data
- Unstructured Support Service Data
- Unstructured Single Service Data
- Unstructured Supplementary Simple Data
- Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
- *99# service introduced in the mobile phones for the inclusion of under banked society. It was launched by Narendra Modi on 28th August 2014 as part of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY). Which service available under this service ?
- Check the balance
- Fund transfer
- Mini statement request
- All of above services available
- None of above service available
- *99*99# is a USSD based value added ser-vice from NPCI that facilitates the customers ____________
- to know the Rupee and Dollar reference rate.
- to check the balance in their bank account at the end of last month.
- to check the credit of TDS in his bank account after 30 September in every year.
- to check the status of his/ her Aadhaar number seeding/ linking in the bank account.
- to know whether the OD was granted under JDY account.
- On 25th August 2016, RBI issued a notification regarding the loans to women Self Help Groups. Pick up wrong statement.
- SHGs will be eligible for interest subvention on credit up to Rs.3 lakh.
- The rate of Interest is at 7% per annum under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihood Mission.
- However SHGs availing capital subsidy under Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) in their existing credit outstanding will not be eligible for benefit under this scheme.
- The banks lend to a women SHGs in 250 districts as per this notification.
- All of above statements correct
- Chillr and Federal Bank joined hands for cashless transactions. Chillr is a ____________
- Small Finance Bank
- New Payment rank
- Mobile banking application
- HDFC bank subsidiary Co-ordinated mutual fund company
- Insurance company
- Which bank launched a payment service using a smart phone keyboard named 'iMobile SmartKeys' to make mobile payments easier?
- Andhra Bank
- ICICI Bank
- Union Bank of India
- Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust in Navi Mumbai signed an agreement with SBI and Development Bank of Singapore for ECB to the tune $400 Million. In this context, the term ECB stands for ____________
- Exit Commercial Borrowing
- Elective commercial Borrowing
- External Commercial Board
- Economical Commercial Borrowing
- External Commercial Borrowing
- 11th G - 20 summit concluded at ____________
- Hangzhou of China
- New Delhi of India
- Ottawa of Canada
- Tokyo of Japan
- Rome of Italy
- Where was the first BRICS Film Festival held in September 2016 ? (BRICS is a group of five coun-tries - Brazil, Russia, India, 10. China and South Africa)
- New Delhi
- Goa
- Guwahati
- Hyderabad
- None of these
- Kakrapar Atomic Power Station is in the news recently. It is in :
- Tamil Nadu
- Gujarat
- West Bengal
- Rajasthan
- None of these
- British novelist Anita Brookner passed away recently. She won the Booker Prize for which of the following books ?
- Moon Tiger
- The Blind Assassin
- Hotel du Lac
- Wolf Hall
- Patricia Scotland is associated with which of the following groups / organizations ?
- G20
- Commonwealth
- None of these
- The Nuclear Security Summit was held on March 31 and April 14. 1, 2016 in which of the following cities ?
- The Hague, Netherlands
- Seoul, South Korea 15.
- Washington D.C., USA
- Beijing, China
- None of these
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