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Topic 1 : "Responding to Uri"
Topic 2 : "The road from Bratislava"
- Gathering - the process or activity of collecting information
- Evidence - one or more reasons for believing that something is true or not true
- Stormed - to use force to enter a place and take control of it
- Army base - a centre from which military activities are coordinated
- Explicitly - fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated
- Establishment - organization
- Persistent - lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of
- Reportedly - according to what many people say
- Probability - a measure of how likely something is to happen
- Line of Control - the military control line between the Indian and Pakistani controlled parts of the former princely state of Kashmir and Jammu
- Grenade - a small bomb that someone throws or fires from a gun
- Markings - a pattern of marks painted on the surface of something
- Statecraft - the skill of governing a country
- Unleashed - to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled
- Attain - to succeed in achieving something
- Objective - something that you plan to achieve
- Provocation - something that causes you to react in an angry or violent way
- Manoeuvrability - ability to be moved easily in situations that need care or skill
- Restrained - controlled and not emotional
- Firm - strong / hard
- Reckless - not thinking about the possible bad effects of your actions
- Condemning - to criticize something or someone strongly
- Cowardly - lacking courage
- Unpunished - not punished for having done something wrong or illegal
- Heavy-lifting - difficult work that needs a lot of effort
- Diplomatically - acting in a way that does not cause offence
- Emerged - to become known
- Comprehensive - complete
- Domestic Militancy - violent acts committed by citizens or permanent residents of a place against their own people or property
- Cross-border - between different countries, or involving people from different countries
- Inconsistent - not always behaving in the same way or producing the same results
- Adversary - an enemy or opponent
- Exploit - to use a situation so that you get benefit from it, even if it is wrong or unfair to do this
- Poke fun at - to make unkind jokes about someone or something
- Robust - strong
- Doctrine - a set of principles or beliefs, especially religious or political ones
- Sophisticated - knowing and understanding a lot about a complicated subject
- Rhetoric - speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people
- Blame game - a situation in which one party blames others for something bad or unfortunate rather than attempting to seek a solution
- Infiltration - the process of secretly joining an organization or go into a place in order to find out information about it or damage it
- Went up in flames - to burn or be destroyed by fire
- Gradual - slowly (step by step)
- Decline - to become less or worse
- Violence - actions or words that are intended to hurt people
- Strife - fighting or disagreement between people or groups
- Bias - to influence someone’s opinions, decisions etc so that they behave or think in an unfair way
- Myopia - lack of intelligence, understanding or careful thought
- Assuring - to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, especially in order to remove doubt about it

Topic 2 : "The road from Bratislava"
- Unity - a situation in which people, groups, or countries join together or agree about something
- Cohesion - a situation in which people or things combine well to form a unit
- Conspicuously - very noticeable or easy to see
- Absent - missing from a place or situation
- Harbouring - keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly
- Illusion - a false or wrong belief or idea
- Chancellor - the leader of the government in some countries (Germany / Australia)
- Existential - relating to human existence and experience
- Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
- Symptom - a sign of a larger problem
- Discontent - the unhappy feeling that you have when you are not satisfied with something
- Fuelled - to make something increase or become worse, especially something unpleasant
- Migrant - related to the people who travels to another place or country in order to find work
- Islamophobia - hatred or fear of Muslims and Islam
- Woes - problems and worries
- Strategic - carefully planned in order to achieve a particular goal
- Diagnose - to find out where the problem is
- Forge - to develop a successful relationship, especially in business or politics, with another country, organization, or person
- Bloc - a group of countries or people with the same political aims
- Split - divided
- Factions - small parts / groups
- Road map - a plan or set of instructions that makes it easier for someone to do something
- Counter-terrorism - the actions and methods of a country that are intended to stop the activities of people who use violence to achieve political aims
- Backing - support
- Jenga - a game of physical and mental skill
- Precision - the quality of being very accurate and exact
- Preserve - to take care of a place or building in order to prevent it from being harmed or destroyed
- Integrity - the quality of behaving according to the rules and standards
- Tenuous - weak and likely to change
- Acquiring - to get something
- Contentious - causing disagreement between people or groups
- Referendum - an occasion when everyone in a country can vote to make a decision about one particular subject
- Humane - showing kindness, care, and sympathy towards others, especially those who are suffering
- Refugee - a person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war
- Pooling - to share something such as money, ideas, equipment etc with a group of people, especially so that they can work more effectively together
- Centralising - to give control of a country, organization, or industry to one central group of people
- Procurement - the process of obtaining something, especially with effort or difficulty
- Disenchanted - disappointed and no longer enthusiastic about someone or something
- Overreach - to fail by trying to achieve, spend, or do more than you can manage
- Big picture - the most important facts about a situation and the effects of that situation on other things
- Comparative - judged in comparison to something such as a previous situation or state
- Rigorously - thoroughly and carefully
- Outcome - the final result of a process
- Feedback - comments about how well or how badly someone is doing something, which are intended to help them do it better
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