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Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials.
Topic 1 : "Running in the family"
Topic 2 : "Sapping India’s vitality"
- Tussle - to have difficult disagreements or strong arguments
- Consistent - always behaving or happening in a similar way
- Tenure - the holding of an office
- Rapid - fast or sudden
- Fissure - a state of incompatibility or disagreement
- Simmered - grows slowly stronger over a period of time and could become more serious at any moment
- Crescendo - an increase in excitement, danger, or action
- Stripped - remove something
- Portfolios - a particular job or area of responsibility of a member of a government
- Confabulations - conversations
- Scion - a young member of a rich or important family
- Asserting - to do something to show that you have power
- Writ - an official document that tells someone to do something or to stop doing something
- Realigns - to change the position of something
- Eventually - at the end of a process or period of time in which many things happen
- Campaign - a series of actions intended to produce political or social change
- Feud - an argument that has existed for a long time between two people or groups, causing a lot of anger or violence
- Counter-offensives - an attack against someone who has already attacked you
- Crowded - containing a lot of people, especially too many
- Undermined - to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker
- Virtue - a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of being morally good:
- Stint - a period of time spent doing something
- Allegation - a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though this has not been proved
- Tussle - to have difficult disagreements or strong arguments
- Discord - disagreement between people
- Evident - easy to see, notice, or understand
- Sway - to influence or change someone’s opinion
- Emphasise - to give particular importance or attention to something
- Aspirational - showing that you want to have more money and a higher social position than you now have
- Run-up - the final period of time before an important event
- Foreground - the area that is of most importance and activity, or that people pay attention to
- Sacking - an act of removing someone from a job
- Nod - approval
- Revocation - the act of stating officially that an agreement, right, or legal document is no longer effective
- Engineered - arranged
- Merger - the process of combining two organizations to form a bigger one
- Antecedent - something that happened or existed before something else and is similar to it in some way
- Incumbency - an official position
- Patronage - help or money that is given to a person or organization
- Unambiguously - clearly

Topic 2 : "Sapping India’s vitality"
- Sapping - take away strength or an important quality from someone
- Vitality - energy and strength
- Several - some
- Outbreak - the sudden start of war, disease, violence etc
- Inadequacy - not good enough or too low in quality
- Eliminate - to get rid of something that is not wanted or needed
- Vector - an insect or other small animal that carries diseases between larger animals and humans, but is not itself harmed by the disease
- Vector-borne diseases - diseases which are transmitted indirectly when a vector bites or touches a person
- Attribute - to believe / say that something is the result of a particular situation, event, or person’s actions
- Footprint - the amount of space that something uses
- Decline - to become less
- Borne in mind - to realize that something is true
- Under-reporting - to record less numbers than the actual values
- Criticism - comments stating that something is wrong or bad
- Impact - an effect, or an influence
- Disgusted - feeling very angry and upset about something that you do not approve of
- Irony - a strang situation in which things happen in the opposite way to what you would expect
- Prosperity - the situation of being successful and having a lot of money
- Productivity - the rate at which something is produced
- Sapping - gradually weaken or destroy (a person's strength or power).
- Nimble - able to move quickly and easily
- Aspect - a particular part, feature, or quality of something
- Evaluate - to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
- Integration - the process of combining two or more things into one
- Irrigation - to supply land with water so that crops and plants will grow
- Insecticides - a chemical substance made and used for killing insects, especially those that eat plants
- Residual - remaining after the rest of something has gone or ended
- Scaling up - to make something larger in size, amount etc than it used to be
- Conflict - a situation in which it is difficult for two things to exist together
- Diagnostics - identifying a particular illness using a combination of signs and symptoms
- Halt - a temporary or permanent stop in a process
- Curb - control
- Sustained - continuing at the same level or rate for a long time
- Disproportionately - if something is disproportionate, it is bigger or smaller than it should be in comparison to something else
- Evidently - easily seen or understood
- Surveillance - to carefully observe something
- Collaboration - he process of working with someone to produce something
- Hotspot - a place where there is often a lot of violence or fighting
- Mobilising - if you mobilize a group of people, or if they mobilize, they come together in order to achieve something
- Community - the people who live in an area
- Sanitation - the systems for taking dirty water and other waste products away from buildings in order to protect people's health
- Campaigns - a series of actions intended to produce political or social change
- Holds the key - to have control of something
- Deprived - not having the things that are essential for a comfortable life
- Generous - willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected
- Civic - relating to a town or city, especially to its government and public activities
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