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Topic 1 : "Nuclear ambiguities"
- Ambiguity - unclearness / confusion
- Limelight - the focus of public attention
- Convention - a formal agreement
- Supplementary - extra
- Compensation - money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem
- Ratified - to make an agreement official
- Pooling - the act of sharing or combining two or more things
- Pertain - related to something
- Liability - the state of being legally responsible for something
- Accede - agree to a demand / request / proposal
- Prima facie - based on the first impression
- Waiver - an agreement that you do not have to pay or obey something
- Clear the air - to remove the bad feelings between people
- Stumbling block - something that prevents action or agreement
- Conformity - behaviour that follows the usual standards that are expected by a group or society
- Claimed - to say that something is true or is a fact (although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it)
- Latent - existing but not yet developed
- Victims - people who are suffered because of something
- Sue - to take legal action against a person or organization
- Tort - a wrongful act
- Feasible - capable of doing something without too much difficulty
- Confines - the outer limits of something
- Ratification - the act of voting on a decision or signing a written agreement to make it official
- Steep fall - very quick fall
- Heady - having a strong effect
- Persuade - to convince someone to do something
- Reliance - dependence on or trust in someone or something
- Scepticism - doubting that something is true or useful
- Supersede - to replace something, especially something older or more old-fashioned
- Statute - a law that has been formally approved and written down
- Contradict - show to be false / prove negative
- Cited - refered / mentioned
- Morass - a complicated or confused situation
- Stymied - to prevent something from happening
Topic 2 : "Harbinger of change in global trade"
- Harbinger - something that that shows what will happen in the future
- Headwinds - an economic situation that slows down the growth of an economy
- Fillip - something that causes a sudden improvement
- Implications - to suggest something without saying it directly
- Pact - agreement
- Spillover - a situation, which begins to affect another situation
- Significant - important or noticeable
- Diversity - difference
- Triumvirate - a group of three (organizations / countries), who are in control of another (organization / country)
- Hammer something out - to reach an agreement or solution after a lot of argument or discussion
- Far-reaching - having great influence on many people or things
- Template - something that is used as a pattern for producing other similar things
- Legislative - relating to laws
- Backing - support
- Negotiations - discussions aimed at reaching an agreement
- Contenders - people who competes with each other to try to win something
- Reflect on something - to affect other people's opinion of someone or something
- Underscoring - highlighting something (to draw special attention to something)
- Negotiators - people who participate in discussions
- Impact - powerful effect (influence)
- Aggregate - something formed by adding together several amounts or things
- Erosion - the process of damage / damaging
- Ceded - gave up something (power or territory)
- It's high time - it is about the right time for something
- Proactively - controlling a situation by causing something to happen
- Girded - to get ready to do something
- Emerging - starting to exist
- Bulwark - something that protects you from dangerous or unpleasant situations
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