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Topic 1 : "Referendum gamble for Britain"
Topic 2 : "Stark reminder in Jammu & Kashmir"
- Referendum - a vote in which all the people in a country or an area are asked to give their opinion about an important political or social question
- Gamble - take risky action in the hope of a desired result
- Counterparts - people who have the same job or purpose as you
- Let it be - leave the situation alone as it is
- Stitch something together - to create or form something quickly
- Immense - extremely large or great
- Significance - importance
- Ravage - to cause great damage to something
- Compelling - very exciting and interesting
- Transnational - multinational
- Sovereign - having the highest power or being completely independent
- Confront - come face to face with each other
- Perspective - point of view
- Cumulative - increasing
- Realities - facts
- Overshadowed - to cause someone or something to seem less important
- Midst - in the middle of
- Influx - inflow
- Immigrants - a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country
- Precise - exact / accurate
- Safeguards - safety measures
- Significant - important or noticeable
- Wary - not completely trusting something / someone
- Stance - a way of thinking about something
- Reconcile - to restore friendly relations
- Clout - influence or power
- Implicit - something is understood but not clearly stated
- Prospect - the possibility of some future event occurring
- Bode - to be a sign of something that will happen in the future
- Severely - very seriously
- Dent - a reduction in amount or size
- Diminish - to reduce in size or importance
- Conversely - * used to introduce something that is different to something you have just said
- Integration - to combine
- Sceptics - people who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief
- Outright - wholly and completely
- Concede - to agree that something is true after first denying it
- Retention - the continued use of something
- Uncertainty - a situation in which something is not known
- Notwithstanding - without being prevented by something
- Frenzied - uncontrolled and excited (sometimes violent)
Topic 2 : "Stark reminder in Jammu & Kashmir"
- Stark - complete
- Ember - a piece of wood or coal, etc. that continues to burn after a fire has no more flames
- Flare up - a situation in which something such as violence, pain, or anger suddenly starts or gets much worse
- Determination - the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult
- Stand-off - a deadlock between two equally matched opponents in a dispute or conflict
- Heavily armed - carrying a lot of weapons
- Convoy - a group of vehicles or ships that travel together, especially for protection
- Entrepreneurship - skill in starting new businesses, especially when this involves seeing new opportunities
- Grave - a place in the ground where a dead person is buried
- Casualties - a person injured or killed in a serious accident or war
- Top brass - the people with the highest positions of authority, especially in the armed forces
- Elite - most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society
- Dreary - depressingly dul or repetitive
- Dwindle - to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number
- Pace - the speed at which someone or something moves, or with which something happens or changes
- Progressive - developing or happening gradually
- Alliance - an agreement to work with someone else to try to achieve the same thing
- Exploit - to use something in a way that helps you
- Ebbing - gradually decreasing
- Militancy - the state or condition of being disposed to fight
- All-out - complete and with as much effort as possible
- Breakthrough - an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem
- Entail - to make something necessary, or to involve something
- Grievances - a complaint or a strong feeling that you have been treated unfairly
- Deployment - to move soldiers or equipment to a place where they can be used when they are needed
- Sewed up - to gain complete control of something
- Coalition - the joining together of different political parties or groups for a particular purpose
- Determination - the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult:
- Floundered - to experience great difficulties
- Home-grown - local
- Infiltrating - to secretly become part of a group in order to get information
- To keep the pot boiling - to make people exited or impressed
- Drift - a continuous slow movement
- Hammer out - to reach an agreement or solution after a lot of argument or discussion
- Alliance - a union or association formed for mutual benefit
- Alienation - the feeling that you have no connection with the people around you
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