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- 2 DI
- 7-8 missing series
- Quadratic equations-5
- Probability-2
- 2 puzzles
- Syllogisms-5
- Coding and deoding-5
- Statements-5
- Series preceeding immediate type-5
- Paragraph—10
- Two blnks sentences-5
- Cloze test—10
- Error detection--5
Professional knowledge questions--moderate
- Primary purpose of executable file is to store which
- Java software was designed
- Primary source for test plans in software development project is
- Concept and purpose of BCP
- Class A Range
- Standby Oracle database means
- 802.11b access point
- COM means
- Data warehouse support –OLAP
- In database 50 row in a table but we have to select 20 rows which operation should be use
- what is meant by Kernel
- TCP and UDP common function
- Message is convert into non-readable called -encryption
- which file is part of oracle data base
- prototyping is used in which phase of SDLC
- Purpose of FPA
- Data Mining tool
- Shared pool in Oracle 9i
- All databse users and their default settings what command
- definition of Cloud Computing
- What does * indicate in SELECT statement
- Platform/Operating system services provided by
- Bits stream movement is function of which layer
- definition of Spoofing
- Group of server that share task
- Security protocols in network layer
- Information that reflects current changes in Business condition is
- Test the successful recovery of data from backup
- Businee of housing,serving and maintain files for one or more websites
- Which service model allows customer to choose more layers in the compuer architecture
- In Oracle 9i contains information used by the servers process to validate user privileges
- One question on SQL Select
- One question on query and testing
- Routing and networking layer
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