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Topic 1 : "North Korea’s provocative move"
- Apparently - you have read or heard something although you are not certain it is true
- Aggravated - to make a bad situation worse
- Unpardonable - too bad to forgive or be accepted
- Provocation - an action or statement that is intended to make someone angry
- Cross-border - between different countries
- Threat - a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen
- Condemned - expressed complete disapproval
- Punitive - punishment
- Sanction - penalty for disobeying a law or rule
- Jeopardise - to put something into a situation in which there is a danger of loss
- Regime - government
- Sinister - making you feel that something bad will happen
- Paranoid - suffering from a mental illness in which you believe that other people are trying to harm you
- Flexed - tightened
- Tangible - real
- Escalated - increased rapidly
- Artillery - very large guns that are moved on wheels or metal tracks
- Up the ante - to increase your demands or the risks in a situation in order to achieve a better result:
- Execution - the legal punishment of killing someone
- Speculation - to guess
- Mentor - an experienced and trusted adviser
- High-stakes - high risk
- Arsenal - a collection of weapons and military equipment
- Hostilities - an unfriendly attitude
- Diplomacy - the management of relationships between countries
- Pose - to cause a problem or difficulty
- Portent - a sign of something about to happen
- Persuade - convince
- Daunting - discouraging through fear
- Ally - a country that has agreed officially to give help and support to another one
- Peninsula - an area of land surrounded by water on three sides
Topic 2 : "For justice in equal measure"
- Possession - to own something
- Contrast - difference
- Peers - people who are the same age or has the same social position
- Legion - very large in number
- Impending - an event, which is going to be happen
- Generous - more than expected
- Furlough - a period of time that a prisioner is allowed to return temporarily to their home
- Reinforced - to make something stronger
- Acquittal - the decision of a court that someone is not guilty
- Trite - repeated too often
- Depicted - represented
- Succumb - to lose the determination to oppose something
- Solely - only
- Scrutiny - critical observation
- Remission - the cancellation of a penalty
- Scrupulous - extremely honest
- Dispel - to remove fears / doubts
- Protracted - lasting longer than necessary
- Incarceration - imprisonment
- Septuagenarian - a person who is between 70 and 79 years old
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