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Note : There were No Editorials in The Hindu on 3rd January 2016.
Topic 1 : "Stay the course after Pathankot"
- Composite - made up of several parts or elements
- Euphoria - a feeling of great excitement and happiness
- Gesture - an action that expresses your feelings or intentions
- Game-changer - something that affects a situation very much
- Sidestep - to avoid talking about somethng by starting to talk about something else
- Crackdown - to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a painful way
- Sustain - to support emotionally
- Destabilise - to upset something
- Provoke - to cause a reaction (especially a negative one)
- Saboteurs - people who damage a situation on purpose
- Insulated - protected
- Momentum - the force that keeps an event developing after it has started
- Resolution - a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner
- Low-hanging fruit - goals which are easily achievable and which do not require a lot of effort
- Dispute - a disagreement or argument
- Extensive - covering or affecting a large area
- Militias - a military force whose members are trained soldiers but who often have other jobs
- Firmly - strongly and tightly
- One-upmanship - a situation in which someone does or says something in order to prove that they are better than someone else
- Hamper - to prevent someone doing something easily
- Gordian knot - an extremely difficult problem / situation
- Disentangle - to separate things that have become joined or confused
- Strangle - to stop something from developing
Topic 2 : "Bangladesh’s Islamist challenge"
- Secular - not connected with religious or spiritual matters.
- Verdict - an opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given
- Hacked - to cut in a rough and violent way (here : attack with a knife)
- Machete - a large heavy knife
- Wielding - holding
- Convict - to declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offence by the judge
- Extremist - someone who has beliefs that most people think are unreasonable and unacceptable (person with extreme opinions)
- Steadfastly - strongly and without stopping
- Consistently - in a systematic manner
- Execution - putting a criminal to death (hanging)
- Wrath - extreme anger
- Up the ante - to increase your demands or the risks in a situation in order to achieve a better result
- Reliance - dependence on or trust in someone or something
- Apparently - as far as one knows or can see
- Hit list - a list of people to be killed for criminal or political reasons
- Trigger - an event that causes something bad to start
- Waging - carry on
- Comprehensive - complete (including everything that is necessary)
- Merely - just / only
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