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Topic 1 : "Return of terror in Indonesia"
- Witnessed - to see something happen (Here : experienced)
- Campaign - a series of military operations intended to achieve a goal
- Counter - to react to something with an opposing opinion or action
- Strategy - a detailed plan for achieving success in situations such as war
- Break up - coming to an end of something
- Extremists - people who have extreme (illegal / violent) political or religious views
- Tide - increase in a particular type of behaviour
- Assault - a violent attack
- Rekindled - to make someone have a feeling that they had in the past (here : fear)
- Regrouping - to form into a group again
- Blamed - declared that somebody or something is responsible for a fault or wrong
- Apparent - clearly visible or understood
- Downtown - at the central part of a city
- Outlets - a shop that is one of many owned by a particular company and that sells the goods that the company has produced
- Evident - clearly seen or understood
- Inflict - to force someone to experience something very unpleasant
- Hotspot - a very popular or active place
- Halted - to stop doing something or happening
- Shootout - a fight in which two people or two groups of people shoot at each other with guns
- Stepped up - to increase
- In the wake of something - alerted after something happened
- Radicalised - to change a person or group's opinions in a negative way
- Pose - to cause problem / difficulty
- Reinforce - strengthen or support something
- Massive - large and heavy
- Crackdown - to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more painful way
- High-stakes - a situation that has a lot of risk
- Rejuvenating - make something look or feel better
- Portray - to represent something in a specific manner (here : peaceful)
- Inroads - attacks
Topic 2 :"Stagflation risk ahead"
- Stagflation - an economic situation in which prices of goods and services continually increase, many people do not have jobs, and businesses are not very successful
- Contraction - the process of becoming smaller
- Set alarm bells ringing - an occasion when you realize that something is wrong
- Slump - to fall suddenly (prices / sales etc)
- Magnitude - the large size or importance of something
- Decline - decrease
- Proxy - the authority to represent someone else
- Consensus - a general agreement
- Bright spot - something that is good when everything else seems bad
- Precariously - something done in an uncertain manner
- Key drivers - factors that influences
- Becalmed - unable to move because of lack of something
- Roiled - disturbed
- Sapped - to make someone weaker
- Threatened - to be likely to cause harm or damage to something or someone
- Prospect - the possibility of some future event occurring
- Sustained - continuing for an extended period or without interruption
- Intervention - to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
- Faltering - losing strength
- Mooted - suggested
- Free fall - the process of losing value or strength quickly and continuously
- Succour - assistance
- Outlook - a view
- Hardly - almost not
- Plateau - a period during which there are no large changes
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