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Topic 1 : "A political misadventure"
- Misadventure - an unfortunate incident
- Opportunism - behaviour in which you use every situation to try to get power or an advantage
- Dubious - doubting
- Inevitably - unavoidably
- Taming - make less powerful and easier to control
- Bullock cart - two-wheeled vehicle pulled by oxen
- Festivities - the celebration of something in a joyful way
- Harvest - the time of year when crops are cut and collected from the fields
- Perpetrate - to cause something to continue
- Endangers - to put someone at risk or in danger
- Unrest - disagreements or fighting between different groups of people
- Unease - a feeling of being worried about something
- Restraint - a condition that keeps someone under control
- Verdict - judgement
- On the contrary - opposite of something
- Stoked - encouraged bad ideas or feelings in a lot of people
- Reviving - restoring
- Circumvent - to avoid something (illegally)
- Foothold - a strong first position from which further progress can be made
- Deployed - to use in an effective way
- Tweaking - improve by making adjustments to something
- Urged - recommend (something) strongly
- Promulgate - to announce something publicly (especially a new law)
- Fortified - strengthened or protected
- Harmonious - friendly and peaceful
- Inflicting - cause something unpleasant / painful
- Violative - an action that acts against something
- Humane - showing kindness
- Exploitative - using someone unfairly for your own advantage
- Anthropocentric - considering humans and their existence as the most important and central fact in the universe
- Repugnant - unacceptable
- Confrontation - a fight or argument
- Relic - a tradition from the past that continues to exist
- Feudal - old-fashioned
Topic 2 "Individual brilliance, derivative success"
- Derivative - something which is based on another source
- Stupendous - extremely impressive
- By some margin - a noticeable differenc
- Dribbling - to move a ball along the ground with repeated small kicks or hits (in football or hockey)
- Perhaps - used to show that something is possible
- Indeed - really (used to add some extra information that supports something you have just said)
- Squad - a small group of people having a particular task (here players)
- Home-grown - own
- Complemented - to make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with it (The music complements her voice perfectly)
- Lacking - not available
- Perennial - lasting a very long time
- Consequently - as a result
- Glory - an important achievement that earns someone great honour / praise
- Emphasise - to show that something is very important
- Colleagues - people with whom you work in a profession
- Consistently - something that's done the same way for a long time
- Predicated - to say that something is true
- Cohesion - the situation when the members of a group are united
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