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Topic 1 : "Inviting trouble in Kerala"
- Petty - not important and not worth giving attention to
- Rivalry - competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field
- Politicking - trying to force others to vote for a particular political party or candidate
- Preside over - to control a meeting or ceremony
- Unveil - uncover (to remove a covering like a curtain from a new structure at a ceremony)
- Behest - a person's orders or command
- Awkward - causing inconvenience
- Citing - refering / quoting
- Legacy - anything handed down from the past (Here : good name)
- Formative - the time when something was formed
- Diminished - to make smaller
- Dividend - share in the profit
- Erosion - the process of destruction
- Alliance - a group formed for mutual benefit
- Churning - shaking
- Sympathiser a person who supports a sentiment / opinion
- overtly - Openly
- Covertly - Secretly
- Backed - Supported
Topic 2 : "Fed’s liftoff ends uncertainty"
- Emphatically - in a forceful way
- Uncertainty - doubtful
- Embarked - started
- Stimulus - something that causes a change or a reaction
- Assertion - a statement that you strongly believe is true
- Sustainable - able to continue over a period of time
- Anticipate - to imagine or expect that something will happen
- Infuse - to fill
- Emerging - coming into existence
- Stagnant - showing no activity / dull
- Coterminous - having the same scope / duration
- Spur - to encourage
- Accumulated - to increase
- Bulwark - a wall of protection
- Exigency - an urgent need
- Turmoil - disturbance / confusion
- Roil - to cause trouble
Note : Vocabulary of 19th and 21st will be available soon
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