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October 10, 2015

Today's (10th October 2015) IBPS PO V IIIrd Shift Review

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This is Ram from Chennai

Reading Comprehension is Based on Inequality (Hillary Clinton, Obama and India) - Complex 10
Para jumble is moderate 5
Cloze test is complex 5
Fill ups is moderate 5
Error Spotting is easy 5. Mostly Singular plural verb variation was asked and preposition "of" was missing

DI - 5 + 5 2 Pie charts - time consuming and Missing data based on Qualifying candidates among the appeared candidates plus male to female ratio.
Table has the following header
Year, Appeared candidates, Passed percentage, Male to Female pass ratio
Approx - 5 easy
Number Series - complex - 5
Solve Equations - easy- 5
Speed, DS and UpStream, Mixtures and allegations, SI and CI, Investments,
Time and Work, Selling price cost price - 10

Linear arrangement - ABCDE facing north and LMNOP facing South - 5
Blood relations - 3 Answers: Niece, grand-daughter, father
Equalities - 5 moderate
Circular arrangement with blood relations 5
Puzzle 5
Syllogism 5 easy (one possibility, one either or, one no conclusion)
Misc- 7

Hoping for good result.

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