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November 26, 2012

Study Materials for SBI Specialist Officers - Operating Systems


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Well, first of all sorry for the late updates. We were unable to reach you people due to our server problems. We've already updated study materials for Programming Knowledge, Networking Basics.  We hope you found them useful for the upcoming SBI Specialist Officers exam. Now, with this post we are giving you the Short notes of Operating Systems. This small pdf book  contains the basics of Operating Systems in question and answer format and we hope it helps you  in maximum extent in brushing up your knowledge of Operating Systems. And here the point you should keep in mind is, the paper will be of Objective type questions only (chances are there for an Online Exam). NO Descriptive paper will be there, As some people here thinking. So prepare well.. You can use the Comments section below to post your comments. Please tell your friends about us, if you feel our materials are worth reading. Good Day :)

Download Short notes of Operating Systems from Here

SBI Specialist Officers Previous Model Papers free Download


  1. grt work..thnx mam also upload dbms n compiler design..

  2. i cant download this! is there any prblm???

    1. We've checked the download link anjali. Its working properly. Plz refresh your browser / switch to another browser and try downloading. Do let us know if you still face problems.

  3. is this link to download model questions paper?

    1. Nope.. this is of study materials in Questions and Answers format.

  4. hello
    i have completed b-tech in electronics and communication engineering
    i am applying for sbi so for the post jmgs-1
    can you tell me the shyllabus

    1. sbi so is clearly mentioned in home page itself (to the left as sbi so syllabus and study material)


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