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December 11, 2015

English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 11th December 2015

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Hi Friends, I am Kani. Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated December 11th 2015. Happy Reading :)

Topic 1 : "Stay the course on Pakistan talks"

  1. Tackle - To Handle / Deal with.
  2. Resumption - The act of resuming.
  3. Agenda - Plan / Outline.
  4. Guarded - Protected.
  5. Optimism - Feeling of being hopeful about the future or about the success of something in particular.
  6. Skirmishes - Fight between people.
  7. Rhetoric - Very impressive speeech bit may not be sincere or honest.
  8. Venturing - Doing something that involves risks of failure.
  9. Kick-start - Action that will start quickly.
  10. Stalled - Temporarily stopped process.
  11. Derail - Prevent it from continuing as planned.
  12. Renewed - To begin or take up again.
  13. Internalise - To incorporate through socialism.
  14. Desist - Stop.

Topic 2 : "The law and the celebrity"

  1. Conflict - Struggle / Fight.
  2. Chary - Fairly cautious or careful.
  3. Skewed - To turn aside.
  4. Folk - Traditional or typical of a particular community or nation.
  5. Wisdom - Knowledge About What is true.
  6. Cave in - To cause to fall in / Surrender.
  7. Pelf - Money or wealth.
  8. Verdict - Judgement / Decision.
  9. Blow - (Here) Disappointment.
  10. Cynicism - It is the belief that people always act selfishly.
  11. Rarefied - Special social status that makes it different from ordinary life.
  12. Lenient - Not as strict as expected.
  13. Milieu - Surroundings.
  14. Swayed - Influenced.
  15. Acquitting - To relieve from a charge of fault / To release.
  16. Revive - Take up again.
  17. Unreliable - Not dependable.
  18. Latter - Near to the end.
  19. Exposed - Left open.
  20. Shoddy - Poor quality / Careless.
  21. At the wheel - (Here) Person having great influence.
  22. Crucial - Important.
  23. Lapses - Temporary lack.
  24. Convictions - Act of proving the guilty of offence or crime.

Read Previous Posts of THE HINDU English Vocabulary from here 

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