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December 12, 2015

English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 12th December 2015

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Hi Friends, I am Kani. Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated December 12th 2015. Happy Reading :)

Topic 1 : "Headway with David Headley"

  1. Headway - Progress in a forward direction.
  2. Ostensible - Apparent.
  3. Pardon - Forgiveness of an offence.
  4. Conspiracy - An Agreement to commit a crime.
  5. Testify - Give evidence.
  6. Disclosure - Secret information.
  7. Reconnoitring - Observing in order to gain information.
  8. Assailants - Person who attacks.
  9. Co-conspirator - Associate (involved in a crime)
  10. Testimony - Statement or Declaration of a witness.
  11. To convict - To prove / declare guilty of an offence.
  12. Plot - A secret plan which is unlawful.
  13. Accomplice - A person who knowingly helps another in a crime.
  14. Competent - (Here) Suitable witness.
  15. Credible - Trustworthy.
  16. Albeit - Although / Even if.
  17. Maim - To injure people so badly.
  18. Extradited - To give up another state or nation at its request.
  19. Obliged - To bind morally as by a promise.
  20. Rogatory - Pertaining to asking or requesting.
  21. Irony - Odd / Contrast.
  22. Condemned - Strongly disapproval of.
  23. Affirmed - To confirm.
  24. Concurrently - Occurring simultaneously.
  25. Expediting - To speed up the progress.
  26. Inconsistent - Lacking Agreement.
  27. Resumption - The act of resuming.

Topic 2 : "Illiberal law, roll it back"

  1. Dispiriting - Causes to lose enthusiasm / Excitement.
  2. Debar - To shut out or exclude from a place.
  3. Web of - Complicated pattern of.
  4. Exclusionary - Excludes a particular person or group.
  5. Precisely - Accurately and exactly.
  6. Emphatically - Strongly expressive / Expressing in a forceful way.
  7. Enact - To make into an act.
  8. Repeal - Withdraw.
  9. Desist - Stop / To cease.
  10. Refrain - Keep from doing.
  11. Curbs - Control / Limit.
  12. Breach - Act of breaking it.
  13. Imprint - A mark.
  14. Juntas - Military government taking power by force and not through elections.
  15. Setback - To place in a particular position.

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