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November 15, 2015

English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 15-11-2015

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Hi Friends, I am Kani. Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of "The Hindu" dated November 15, 2015. Happy Reading :) 

Topic : "Horror in Paris"
  1. Come to grips with - to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation
  2. Concert - a musical performance given in public
  3. Stroll - a short leisurely walk
  4. Camaraderie - a spirit of familiarity and trust existing between friends
  5. Provoke - To give rise to (a reaction or emotion)
  6. Retaliation - An act of revenge
  7. Mourn - to ​feel or ​express ​great sadness, ​especially because of someone's ​death
  8. Dig deep - to try very hard to find out information about something
  9. Assert - to state or express positively;
  10. Solidarity - unity or agreement of feeling or action
  11. Victim - a person who was harmed, injured, or killed
  12. Threw down the Gauntlet - Challenged
  13. Threatening - giving warning signs
  14. Massacre -  killing a large number of people
  15. periphery - boundary
  16. Caliphate - a form of Islamic government
  17. Cult - a specific system of religious worship
  18. Ghastly - Causing shock / fear
  19. Destabilisation - changing something
  20. Circumstance - result
  21. Forefront - the position of most importance
  22. Outbreak - a sudden occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)
  23. Ravaged - damaged
  24. Escalate - increase rapidly
  25. Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument
  26. Interpretation - the act of explaining
  27. Radical - relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something
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