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Essay on "If I were a Millionaire"
Major Points to Cover :
- Money
- Its definition
- Classes
- How to earn
- Results of earning a lot
- Conclusions
In this world, some are born rich, some are born poor and some others belong to the middle class. The comforts, which a man commands depends on the class to which he belongs. Money is such a
thing that it will not allow any man to rest. It forces him to strive for more and more and more. The quest is never satisfied.
There are two ways of looking at money. One view is money is the end of all and so earn and go on earning more and more till you die. This category of persons argue that money gives you comfort, pleasure, power, social respect and authority over others. So why not go in for more and more money because it is money that makes the man ? The second argument is philosophical. You did not bring any money to this world. Why worry about it which you got during your life and which you are sure to leave in the world after death ? There is also a third view about money. Earn the money that is necessary. Spend it usefully on your needs and also help the fellowmen who are in need. In that way you can be happy and make others also happy. Every man has to decide which way he has to follow.
There are many ways to earn money. The first way is the morally acceptable way of working to earn. The second way is to steal or rob somebody who has got it. The third way is to expect a miracle to happen like winning a million rupees through lottery. The third way never comes to everybody's lot. The second way of stealing or robbing are all methods which lead to unpleasant consequences. So the only moral method is to work and earn it.
When I was young I was poor. My father was an elementary school teacher with eight children. We had hardly enough to eat. When I joined my high school it is so happened that both my bench-mates were very rich. One's father was a rich landlord with hundreds of acres of land. This boy had a separate room and a separate cook to serve him food. There was a radio, a T.V. and good number of books and magazines for him to read. The other was the son of a big merchant who had different types of business. They also owned a number of buses. That boy had a special car to come to school and go back home. Seeing them, I developed a feeling that I should also become a millionaire one day.
Joining public service will never make one a millionaire. Only business can do that miracle. So I preferred to do business and earn a lot in my life. That became my life's ambition. After my school education I joined a business establishment of my friend as a clerk and learnt all the tricks of the trade. I could understand the market fluctuations and advantages of forward trading. I started trading in tamarind and jaggery and adopted forward trading techniques. It was not very late before I became a millionaire, as after some time money itself makes money.
I earned more and more but I found later that money alone does not give happiness and pleasure which man needs. Money is the root cause of all evils. Envy, jealousy and hypocrisy are its servants. With a lot of money I was feeling unsafe. I was envied by all. Though money gets money friends they are not faithful. They look at your money and not at you. I cannot get rid of them or the money. The only way I found to be happy was to spend away what I earned on those who need my help.
Difficult words :
- Material : connected with physical objects and not mind
- Abundance : plenty
- Millionaire : one who has more than 10 lakh rupees
shared by Nisheeta Mirchandani
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