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Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Act of intimidation: on Shujaat Bukhari murder"
- Intimidation - to deliberately make someone feel frightened, especially so that they will do what you want
- Middle ground - opinions and attitudes that are not extreme and that a lot of people can agree with
- Conflict - angry disagreement between people or groups
- Chilling - making you feel suddenly very frightened or worried
- Ceasefire - an agreement to stop fighting for a period of time, especially in order to discuss permanent peace
- Determined - not willing to let anything prevent you from doing what you have decided to do
- Gut - to destroy or remove the inside parts of something
- Emerging - just beginning to exist or be noticed
- Consensus - agreement among all the people involved
- Dialogue - a process in which two people or groups have discussions in order to solve problems
- Credibility - qualities that someone has that make people believe or trust them
- Painstakingly - very carefully and thoroughly
- Reportage - the activity of reporting news
- Convey - to communicate ideas or feelings indirectly
- Valley - a low area of land between mountains or hills, usually with a river flowing through it
- Prominent - important and well known
- Advocate - to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things
- Consequence - a result or effect of something
- Riddled - full of a lot of small holes, usually made by bullets
- Insistence - a very firm statement that something must happen or that something is true
- Provocation - something that causes you to react in an angry or violent way, often something that is intended to cause such a reaction
- Humane - caring about the quality of people’s or animal’s lives and trying to be kind to them
- Truce - an agreement between two people or groups involved in a war, fight, or disagreement to stop it for a period of time
- Abduct - to take someone away from their home, family etc using force
- Survive - to continue to exist, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation
- Ordeal - an extremely unpleasant experience, especially one that lasts for a long time
- Vulnerability - the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally
- Irreplaceable - valuable or rare and impossible to replace if used, lost, or destroyed
- Negotiate - to try to reach an agreement by discussing something in a formal way
- Amid - if something happens amid particular feelings or events, it happens while people have these feelings or while these events are happening
- Conflicting - describes two or more things that cannot all be right or cannot all happen at the same time
- Narrative - a particular way of explaining or understanding events
- Ideology - a system of ideas and principles on which a political or economic theory is based
- Affinity - a natural understanding and sympathy between people
- Reconcile - to find a way to make ideas, beliefs, needs etc that are opposed to each other capable of existing together
- Persistence - the attitude or behaviour of someone who continues to do, or try to do, something in a determined way
- Tease out - to succeed in discovering something difficult, complicated, or secret
- Nationalist - someone who believes that their group, state, or nation should be independent
- Separatist - a member of a group of people who want to be independent of a national, religious, or other group to which they belong
- Reconciliation - a new and friendly relationship with someone who you argued with or fought with
- Enlighten - to give someone information about something so that they understand more about it
- Mentor - advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague)
- Founder - someone who starts a school, organization, business, or community
- Correspondent - a newspaper or television reporter, especially one who deals with a particular subject or area
Hindu Editorial Topic2 : "Sweet nothing: on bailout scheme for sugarcane farmers"
- Bailout - money that someone gives or lends to a person or organization with financial problems
- Flaw - a mistake or fault in something that makes it useless or less effective
- Cess - a tax
- Alleviate - to make something less painful, severe, or serious
- Distress - a feeling that you have when you are very unhappy, worried, or upset
- Assure - to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, especially in order to remove doubt about it
- Incentive - something that makes you want to do something or to work harder, because you know that you will benefit by doing this
- Molasses - a thick, dark brown liquid that is produced during the process of making sugar, used in cooking
- Ethanol - a chemical compound that is a type of alcohol
- Gainfully - providing money or profit
- Mop up - to win, or succeed in doing something
- Glut - an available amount of something that is more than people want or need
- Perspective - a way of thinking about something
- Procure - to obtain something
- Refined - a natural substance that is refined is now pure because other things have been removed from it
- Dissipate - to waste something such as time, money, or supplies by not using it in a sensible way
- Liquidity - a situation in which a business has money or property that it can sell in order to pay money that it owes
- Reckon - to calculate something
- Mitigate - to reduce the harmful effects of something
- Outstanding - an amount of money that is outstanding has not yet been paid
- Arrears - money that you owe because you have failed to make payments at the correct time
- Subsidy - an amount of money that the government or another organization pays to help to reduce the cost of a product or service
- Distillery - a place where strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky are made
- Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
- Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
- Sweetener - something that you offer someone in order to persuade them to do something
- Intervention - a situation in which someone becomes involved in a particular issue, problem etc in order to influence what happens
- Compulsion - a very strong feeling of wanting to do something
- Obvious - clear to almost anyone
- Rallying cry - a particular word or phrase that you use for referring to an issue or situation in order to make people want to take action
- By-election - an election in one particular area to choose a new representative in parliament or on a council, or to replace someone who has died or left the job
- Perpetuate - to make something such as a situation or process continue, especially one that is wrong, unfair, or dangerous
- Feedback - comments about how well or how badly someone is doing something, which are intended to help them do it better
- Distort - to change the way that something looks, sounds, or behaves so that it becomes strange or difficult to recognize
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