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Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Divided we fall: on the 15th Finance Commission"
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Divided we fall: on the 15th Finance Commission"
- Debate - a discussion in which people or groups state different opinions about a subject
- Reshape - to change the way that something operates or develops
- Vested interest - a special reason for wanting things to happen in a particular way, because you will benefit from this
- Allegation - a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though this has not been proved
- Biased - preferring one person, thing, or idea to another in a way that is unfair
- Clamour - an urgent request for something by a lot of people
- Determine - to control what something will be
- Concerned - worried about something
- Census - an occasion on which government officials count the people who live in a country and record other information about them
- Allocation - an amount or share of something that is given to someone or used for a particular purpose
- Mandate - to give official permission for something to happen
- Incentive - something that encourages a person to do something
- Wade in - to become involved in someone else’s discussion, argument, or fight in a confident way that may not be very welcome
- Controversy - a disagreement, especially about a public policy or a moral issue that a lot of people have strong feelings about
- Assess - to carefully consider a situation, person, or problem in order to make a judgment
- Impact - an effect, or an influence
- Framing - to develop or make up something such as a plan or law
- Constructive - intended to be useful or helpful
- Discernible - able to be seen, noticed, or understood
- Populous - a populous nation, city, state etc has many people living in it
- Decline - to become less or worse
- Misleading - intended or likely to make someone believe something that is incorrect or not true
- Demographics - the particular features of a population, for example people’s age or race
- Procreation - reproduction (to produce babies)
- Deprived - not having the things that are essential for a comfortable life
- Envision - to have something as a plan or an intention
- Populist - representing the interests and opinions of ordinary people
- Pandering - to do or say what someone wants in order to please them, even though you know it is not right
- Subjective - influenced by or based on personal beliefs or feelings, rather than based on facts
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Preventing accidents"
- Preventing - to stop something from happening
- Enforce - to make sure that something happens or is done
- Protocol - a set of rules for the correct way to behave on formal occasions
- Bald - basic and with no unnecessary words or detail
- Obscure - to prevent something from being seen or heard
- Carnage - a situation in which there is a lot of death and destruction
- Indifference - lack of interest or sympathy
- Labourer - someone whose job involves hard physical work, for example building work
- Mishap - an unlucky event or accident
- Mere - only / just
- Blip - a minor problem
- Sanity - the ability to think and speak in a reasonable way and to behave normally
- Motorising - using motor vehicles
- Inured - so familiar with an unpleasant experience that you no longer become upset by it
- Ghastly - shocking in a way that frightens or upsets you
- Toll - the total number of people who have been killed or hurt
- Apathy - a feeling of having no interest in or enthusiasm about anything, or of not being willing to make any effort to change things
- Far from - used for saying that the real situation is the opposite of what you mention
- Black spot - a place on a road where a lot of car accidents happen
- Jurisdiction - a country or area in which a particular legal system operates
- Probe - to try to find out the truth about something, especially by asking a lot of questions
- Determine - to control what something will be
- Lapse - a short or temporary period when you fail or forget to do something in the right way
- Remedial - intended to improve or correct something
- Lax - not paying enough attention to rules, or not caring enough about quality or safety
- Liability - legal responsibility for causing damage or injury, or for paying something
- Out-of-pocket - used about money that you have to spend yourself rather than having it paid for you
- Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
- Requisite - necessary or needed for a particular purpose
- Zero tolerance - a policy of punishing people for even very minor offences by using the law in a very strict way
- Violation - an action that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle etc
- Accountable - in a position where people have the right to criticize you or ask you why something happened
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