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Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "AIADMK impasse: Divided they stand"
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "French elections: At the crossroads"
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "AIADMK impasse: Divided they stand"
- Impasse - a situation in which progress is impossible, especially because the people involved cannot agree
- Conflicting - describes two or more things that cannot all be right or cannot all happen at the same time
- Faction - a small group within a larger group, consisting of people with different opinions from the rest
- Unmistakable - not likely to be confused with something else
- Resentment - an angry unhappy feeling that you have when you think you have been treated unfairly or without enough respect
- Allegedly - if someone allegedly does something, another person says that they have done it, even though this has not been proved
- Nephew - a son of your sister or brother, or a son of the sister or brother of your husband or wife
- Folly - the fact of being stupid, or a stupid action, idea, etc
- Brazen - behaving in a way that is not moral or socially acceptable
- Liability - the fact that someone is legally responsible for something
- Freezing - a temporary stopping of something
- Reunification - the process of joining together parts of a country / organization / political party that were divided so that they form one country again
- Splinter - small
- Essential - necessary or needed
- Survival - the fact of a person, organization, etc. continuing to live or exist
- Putting up - to suggest that someone should be elected to a particular position
- Stiff - strong
- Resistance - the ability not to be affected or harmed by something
- Ouster - the process of removing someone from an important position or job
- Perceived - to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something
- Whimper - to make small sounds of pain, fear, or sadness
- Suspicion - a feeling that someone has done something wrong
- Circumstance - a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
- Transpired - to happen
- Strategic - carefully planned in order to achieve a particular goal, especially in war, business, or politics
- Retreat - 1 to avoid a dangerous, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation, especially by moving away from it
- Irrevocable - impossible to change or stop
- Exile - the condition of someone being sent or kept away from their own country, village, etc., especially for political reasons
- Handful - a very small number of people or things
- Diehard - someone who refuses to accept change or new ideas
- Loyalists - someone who supports their government
- Threaten - to tell someone that you might or you will cause them harm, especially in order to make them do something
- Narrow - small / limited
- Majority - the number of votes by which a person or party wins an election
- Beholden - feeling an obligation to do something for someone who has helped you in the past
- Antagonise - to make someone feel angry with you, so that they start to dislike you or have a negative attitude towards you
- Benefactor - someone who helps a person or organization by giving them money
- Strive - to make a lot of effort to achieve something
- Reconciled - find a way to make ideas, beliefs, needs etc that are opposed to each other capable of existing together
- Sideline - to prevent someone from being involved in something that they would normally expect to be involved in
- Clan - a big family
- Ward off - to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming or coming close to you
- Rupture - an end to a friendly relationship or to a peaceful situation
- Patch-up - to become friends with someone again after a disagreement
- Rival - a person, team, or business that competes with anothe
- Dilemma - a situation in which you have to make a difficult decision
- Swamp - to affect someone in a major way
- Suicidal - very dangerous, and likely to lead to serious problems
- Merge - if two organizations merge, or if you merge them, they combine to form one bigger organization
- Afoot - being planned, or starting to happen
- Conflict - angry disagreement between people or groups
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "French elections: At the crossroads"
- At the crossroads - to be at a stage when you have to make a very important decision
- Profound - very great
- Defied - to refuse to obey someone or something
- Prediction - a statement about what you think will happen in the future, or the process of making such a statement
- Conservative - not willing to accept much change, especially in the traditional values of society
- Holocaust - a war in which very many ordinary people are killed
- Contender - someone who competes with other people for a prize or job
- Face off - if people or groups face off, they compete or fight with each other
- Socialist - a member of a socialist political party
- Marine - relating to the sea
- Opinion poll - an attempt to find out what people in general think about a subject by asking some people questions about it
- Mired - caught in an unpleasant situation that you cannot easily escape from
- Scandal - a situation in which important people behave in a dishonest or immoral way that shocks people
- Agenda - all the things that need to be done
- Gradual - happening or changing slowly over a long period of time
- Reform - an improvement
- Status quo - the present situation, or the way that things usually are
- Radical - believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change
- Overhaul - to repair or improve something so that every part of it works as it should
- Sacking - an act of removing someone from a job
- En masse - if a group of people do something en masse, they do it together and at the same time
- Eurosceptic - a person, especially a politician, who opposes closer connections between Britain and the European Union
- Consolidating - to become, or cause something to become, stronger, and more certain
- Immigration - the act of someone coming to live in a different country
- Globalisation - the increase of trade around the world, especially by large companies producing and trading goods in many different countries
- Rhetoric - speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people
- Surge - a sudden and great increase
- Campaign - a planned group of especially political, business, or military activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim
- Allegation - a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal
- Outcome - a result or effect of an action, situation, etc
- Substantial - large in size, value, or importance
- Chunk - a part of something
- Brexit - an exit (= act of leaving) by the United Kingdom from the European Union (short for "British exit")
- Crisis - a time of great disagreement, confusion, or suffering
- Besides - in addition to; also
- Paramount - more important than anything else
- Volatile - likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly or suddenly become violent or angry
- Crucial - extremely important or necessary
- Profound - felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way
- Implication - the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future
- Uncertain - not known or fixed, or not completely certain
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