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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The stakes in Manipur"
Hindu Editorial Topic2 : "Conciliatory, sketchy"
- Blockade - the situation in which a country or place is surrounded by soldiers or ships to stop people or goods from going in or out
- Constituency - the voters in a division of a country who elect a representative to parliament
- Shaping up - to develop
- Defend - to prevent something from failing, stopping, or being taken away
- Fancies - to want to have or do something
- Discourse - a long and serious speech or piece of writing on a particular subject
- Ethnic - relating to a group of people who have the same culture and traditions
- Victory - an occasion when you win a game, competition, election, war, etc
- Contest - a competition
- Grassroots - the ordinary people in a society or an organization, especially a political party
- Defected - to leave a country, political party, etc., especially in order to join an opposing one
- Campaign - a planned group of especially political, business, or military activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim
- Accusations - a statement saying that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind, or the fact of accusing someone
- Blame game - a situation in which people try to blame each other for something bad that has happened
- Momentous - very important because of effects on future events
- Intensification - the action of making something more serious, or more extreme
- Severely - very seriously
- Persistence - the attitude or behaviour of someone who continues to do, or try to do, something in a determined way
- Disaffection - the state of no longer feeling loyal towards a group or organization
- Owing to - because of
- Bring something to an end - to make something finish
- Punitive - intended as a punishment
- Summarily - immediately, and without following the usual official methods or processes
- Prevailing - existing in a particular place or at a particular time
- Precipitating - to make something happen suddenly or sooner than expected
- Crisis - a time of great disagreement, confusion, or suffering
- Insurgent - someone who is fighting against the government in their own country
- Electorate - all the people who are allowed to vote
- Run-up - the final period of time before an important event
Hindu Editorial Topic2 : "Conciliatory, sketchy"
- Conciliatory - intended to show that you care about the feelings or opinions of someone who is angry or upset with you
- Sketchy - not completely safe or not completely honest
- Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
- Concern - a worried or nervous feeling about something
- Unusual - different from others of the same type in a way that is surprising, interesting, or attractive
- Insofar as - used for talking about the degree to which something happens, or the situation in which something happens
- Adopted - to accept or start to use something new
- Distinctly - in a clear or noticeable way
- Combative - ready to fight, argue with, or oppose someone
- Refrained - to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something
- Melodramatic - showing much stronger emotions than are necessary or usual for a situation
- Oratorical - relating to the art or practice of public speaking
- Striking - more attractive than usual
- Tenor - the general meaning, character, or pattern of something
- Immigration - the act of someone coming to live in a different country
- Detain - to force someone officially to stay in a place
- Deport - to force someone to leave a country, especially someone who has no legal right to be there or who has broken the law
- Undocumented - not having any documents to prove that you are living or working in a country legally
- Reform - to make an improvement, especially by changing a person's behaviour or the structure of something
- Blunt - to make a feeling less strong
- Impact - to have an influence on something
- Rhetoric - speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people
- Victim - someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed as the result of a crime
- Apparently - used when the real situation is different from what you thought it was:
- Demographics - the particular features of a population, for example people’s age or race
- Likely - probably going to happen, or probably true
- Deterred - to prevent someone from doing something
- Xenophobic - extreme dislike or fear of foreigners, their customs, their religions, etc
- Alluding to someone / something - to mention someone or something in a brief or indirect way
- Fiscal - relating to money and financial matters, especially taxes
- Subsequent - happening after something else
- Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
- Penchant - a liking for, an enjoyment of, or a habit of doing something, especially something that other people might not like
- Flirting with something - to consider doing something, but not seriously, or to be interested in something for a short time
- Protectionist - a system in which a country helps its own industries by putting taxes on foreign goods
- Alarm - a warning of danger
- Elsewhere - in or to another place or other places
- Distinguish - to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another
- Bluster - to speak in a loud, angry, or offended way, usually with little effect
- Portend - to be a sign that something bad is likely to happen in the future
- Fact-checker - someone whose job is to make sure that facts are correct, especially in something that is published
- Predecessor - the person who had a job or official position before someone else
- Apparent - an apparent quality, feeling, or situation seems to exist although it may not be real
- Factual - using or consisting of facts
- Specificity - the quality of being specific (clear and exact)
- Glossing over something - to avoid considering something, such as an embarrassing mistake, to make it seem not important, and to quickly continue talking about something else
- Precisely - exactly
- Reform - a change that is intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively
- Tolerate - to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them
- Purposeful - showing that you know what you want to do
- Equivocation - to avoid making a clear statement by saying something that has more than one possible meaning
- Inflection - the way that the sound of your voice goes up and down when you speak
- Conciliatory - intended to show that you care about the feelings or opinions of someone who is angry or upset with you
- Ethos - the set of beliefs, ideas, etc. about the social behaviour and relationships of a person or group
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